= Amazon Unbound = === JEFF BEZOS and the INVENTION of a GLOBAL EMPIRE === == Brad Stone, 2021 - 381.45 Beaverton Library == p47 Amazon leadership committee, the S-Team [[ https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/whos-in-charge-at-amazon-moves-on-secretive-s-team-signal-tech-giants-priorities/#AmazonCards | how did it get that name, how many people, meeting how often ]] p112 Typical package $150K; signing bonus and a grant of stock vested in 5%, 15%, 20%, and 40% over four years. Stock grants lowered proportional to rising stock price. p115 Bezos "We want to have a performance review system that doesn't tell our employees that they're fat." p117 realDonaldTrump "The @washingtonpost, which loses a fortune, is owned by @JeffBezos for purposes of keeping taxes down at his no profit company, @amazon. p118 realDonaldTrump "The @washingtonpost loses money (a deduction) and gives owner @JeffBezos power to screw public on low taxation of @Amazon! Big tax shelter" realDonaldTrump "If @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumple like a paper bag. The @washingtonpost is saving it! p120 @!JeffBezos "Finally trashed by @realDonaldTrump. Will still reserve him a seat on the Blue Origin rocket. #sendDonaldtosspace [[ http://bit.ly/1OpyW5N ]] p126 Amazon Prime members get free six month digital subscription p133 Bezos suggests "Democracy dies in darkness", quoted from Bob Woodward, from an appellate court decision p287 2018 600,000 employees, 2/3 in the FCs (fulfillment centers), in June market cap reached $800B