. 28 September 1922 Berlin to 22 September 2015 Biel-Benken northern Switzerland

The Forger 2007

Two Wheels to Freedom 2024

by Arthur J. Magida, Beaverton Lib 940.5318 MAG

Quotes the "The Forger" more than 80 times, but includes other material.

NO INDEX which would be helpful when names or places are mentioned later in the book. The Dramatis Personae on page XV to XVII is better than nothing.

The 1000 km bicycle journey from Berlin to Switzerland took four weeks; I've cycled that distance in 5 days (mostly I5, from Beaverton Oregon past the California border). I had a better bicycle and road surface. My maximum elevation on my route (Siskiyou Summit, 1310 meters above sea level) was more than the Schönhaus journey, though he encountered more total gain and loss over many smaller mountain passes.

CiomaSchönhaus (last edited 2024-10-23 01:36:28 by KeithLofstrom)