== Einstein's War == ==== How Relativity Triumphed Amid The Vicious Nationalism of World War I ==== ==== Mathew Stanley 2019 530.1109 Stanley Tualatin Library ==== War history, mostly. Only vaguely interesting to me. .p40 Eddington traveled to the August 1909 meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Winnipeg Canada, on the ''Empress of Ireland'', 20 months before my Swedish grandfather Johan Sigrid Lofstrom emigrated to America on the same passenger ship (albeit in much cheaper quarters). My grandfather travelled to Portland Oregon on the Canadian Pacific Railway, passing through Winnipeg, probably in much cheaper seats than Eddington sat in. .p108 Einstein's friend [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haber | Fritz Haber ]] artificially synthesized ammonia ... and explosives, enabling World War 1.