= A Higher Call = Adam Makos, Larry Alexander 2013 Bvtn 940.5443 ----- . Franz Stigler, German fighter ace from Bavaria, later to Vancouver BC . Charlie Brown, 8th Air Force B17F captain from West Virginia === Mostly about Stigler === . Catholic, brother August anti-Hitler, who died flying a Ju-88 bomber in 1940 . 1927 flew in homebuilt glider as adolescent p25 "The eagles know where the good air is - follow them" . 1936 Lufthansa pilot . 1938 "drafted" as He-72 flight instructor for Luftwaffe . April to September 1942 Flying Messerschmitt BF-109s in North Africa . April to August 1943 Sicily, then Germany === Charlie Brown === .p150 '''error''' during crew training in 1943 Texas: "Pechout ... would have preferred to stay in the barracks examining its (radio) tubes and '''transistor chips''' rather than go hell-raising ..." no transistors before the 1950s .p154 Dec 20 1943 379th Bomb Group at Kimbolton north of London. 10 man crew on ''Ye Olde Pub'' .p174 '''error''' "The aluminum (skin) ... was only a few centimeters thick ..." millimeters? .p180 engine failure after raid on Bremen, FW190 fighter attack, p185 "slowly dismembered" .p190 Stigler ME109 From Jever, p200 finds ''Pub'' .p202 ''This will be no victory for me.'' Franz decided. ''I will not have this on my conscience for the rest of my life.'' .Stigler first tries to get them to land as POW, then point them east toward Sweden, then peels off after less than 10 minutes .p214 landed at Seething 448th Bomb Group === Stigler === . 1945 Adolf Galland Me-262 jet training at Lechfeld in southern Germany, 900 km/h ("575 miles per hour", 925 km/h) . Mar 1945 Stigler joins "Galland's Circus" at Brandenburg Airfield . Apr 28 1945 Stigler flies jet to Salzberg Austria, drives ''kettenrad'' motorbike halftrack, then walks to Berchtesgaden to surrender to the Americans . 1947 in Straubing, making sewing machines, marries Eva . 1953 Canada, logging camp in the Queen Charlotte Islands, divorced Eva in 1954 . 1956, marries Hiya . 1980 retired, flew in air shows with an Me 108 4 seat transport painted like an Me 109 . 1995 Boeing 50th anniversary for B17 . Jan 18, 1990 Letter with details from Stigler to Charles Brown . June 21 1990 Meet in Seattle