== The Longest Minute == === The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906 === === Matthew J. Davenport, 2023, 346p+76 pages of notes === === Beaverton Library 979.461 DAV === [[ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60784534-the-longest-minute | goodreads ]] Many MANY stories of individuals and incidents - I could not build a big picture. I'm interested in the mechanics of earthquakes and their interactions with infrastructure, not much here for me. Two maps in front: A 1906 map showing the northern half of SF with some now-filled bays, a second "R.J. Waters" closeup map with darkened areas showing the extent of the fire-destroyed areas ... and also nonexistent filled areas and extra streets (Lewis, Tonquin) to the north around Fort Mason. Annoying. 8 pages of old photos. Much of SF was rebuilt in the fire-destroyed area, but the written descriptions of the on-fire and burned areas was difficult for me to follow. Almost nothing about the effects in [[ https://localwiki.org/oakland/1906_San_Francisco_Earthquake_-_Effects_on_Oakland | East Bay]], [[ https://www.paloaltohistory.org/1906-palo-alto-earthquake.php | Palo Alto ]], [[ https://www.sjpl.org/blogs/post/looking-back-the-great-earthquake-of-1906/ | San Jose ]], Marin, etc.