== Never Panic Early == ==== An Apollo 13 Astronaut's Journey ==== ==== Fred Haise with Bill Moore 2022 ==== ==== Tigard Library - B Haise F ==== .p01-12: Biloxi MS, 1933 Nov 14 birth to high school .p13 Perkinston Junior College .p16 1952 Naval Aviation Cadet at NAS Pensacola FL .p18 First flight on [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_T-6_Texan | SNJ]], NAS Whiting near Milton FL .p20 Solo on 20th flight, crosswind practice at [[ http://www.airfields-freeman.com/FL/Airfields_FL_Pensacola_E.htm | Bagdad airfield ]] [[ http://www.airfields-freeman.com/FL/Bagdad_FL_WW2.jpg | photo ]] .p26 Navy wings 1954 / p27 Training Lockheed "TV-2" (actually [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_T2V_SeaStar | T2V ]]) .p28 Deploy [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Corps_Air_Station_Cherry_Point | MCAS Cherry Point ]], [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_F2H_Banshee | Douglas F2H-4 Banshee ]], p29 1954 married hs girlfriend Mary Griffith Grant .p30 1st ''never panic early'': flameout over Atlantic, dive and roll, recovered and landed at [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Executive_Airport | Tamiami Airport ]] .p31 towed through Miami to [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_International_Airport | Miami International Airport ]] .p32 First supersonic flight, Mach 1.2 diving an [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_F-9_Cougar | F-9 Cougar ]] .p35 1956 22yo, 1734 flight hours, matriculates U. Oklahoma, attached to Air National Guard .p36 Marines to Air Force, [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_P-80_Shooting_Star | P-80 Shooting Star ]] then supersonic [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_F-86_Sabre | F-86 Sabrejet ]] .p39 1959 Sep 14, hired by NASA Lewis (now Glenn) in Cleveland ... Rocket engine test at Rocky River Creek(?) .p42 1960 started Lewis zero-G flight program, used [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_AJ_Savage | AJ-2 Savage ]] .p43 Free piston oil reservoirs for zero-G p44 22 to 27 sec zero-G .p44 D-3380 [[ https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19660014262/downloads/19660014262.pdf?attachment=true | Use of aircraft for zero-gravity environment ]] .p45 Stationed at NASA Lewis. Urgent night airdrop of pyros for Aerobee launch scheduled the next morning. .p46 1962 transfers to Edwards AFB, "Armstrong" ''(sic)'' Flight Research Center . er no, was [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armstrong_Flight_Research_Center | NASA Flight Research Center ]] after 1959 . 1976 NASA Ames-Dryden, then 2014 Armstrong Flight Research Center .p47 after 6mo. rental, bought home at [[ https://www.google.com/maps/@34.6925674,-118.155288,157m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&entry=ttu | 44561 Leatherwood Ave Lancaster ]] .p49 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_M2-F1 | NASA M2-F1 lifting body ]] / Many aircraft, many flights per month .p52 1964 Aerospace Research Pilot School (?) with [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_L._Mallick | Don Mallick ]] .p53-55 visits European flight centers with Chuck Yeager, lacking passport .p55 Edwards, testing F10x series aircraft .p56-7 mentions [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manned_Orbiting_Laboratory | Manned Orbiting Laboratory Program ]] .p58 NASA[[ https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19660030615 | An evaluation of the handling qualities of seven general-aviation aircraft ]] .p59 Testing [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piper_PA-30_Twin_Comanche | Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche ]] [[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfL6iyeH8OA | damaging tail flutter ]] .p60 1966 Feb 8 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/311th_Human_Systems_Wing | Aerospace Medical Division ]] Brookes AFB San Antonio .p62 1966 Apr 24 to NASA JSC, [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_Astronaut_Group_5 | Original 19 ]] astronauts .p63 Training: PR, Grand Canyon, [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katmai_National_Park_and_Preserve | Katmai National Park ]], Iceland, Mauna Loa/Kea, more volcanic areas .p65-8 survival training .p68-77 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Lunar_Module | LM ]] development and training at [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman | Grumman ]] Bethpage Long Island .p79 1967 June 22 First LM delivered for first test flight on [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_IB | S-IB Saturn ]] .p82 LM drop tests, 6.3 Gs forwards, 3 Gs sideways, 6 Gs vertically .p84 Apollo 9 (later 8, circumlunar CSM only) backup crew with Armstrong and Aldrin .p85 CSM-104 testing at North American plant .p87 CM simulator 500 credible (survivable) failures, 300 for LM simulator .p89 centrifuge simulation, steeper reentry up to 18 Gs. p90 practiced pad escape .p90 member of [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCnter_Wendt | Günter Wendt's ]] closeout crew .p91 in Apollo 8 CM lower equipment bay, helping during crew ingress .p92 watched liftoff in flame suit (close? where?) // next assignment, backup crew for Apollo 11 with Anders and Lovell .p94 at dinner, Neal and Buzz argue about [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REFSMMAT | REFSMMAT ]] Reference to Stable Member Matrix, Mike Collins peacemaker .p94 Also closeout crew for Apollo 11, Guenter Wendt "der Fuhrer of der Launch Pad", p95 given fish by Collins .p97 Charlie Duke, Jim Lovell, Fred Haise as !CapCom .p99 Apollo 13 Jim Lovell, Ken Mattingly Fred Haise prime crew. Backup crew Young, Swigert, and Duke .p100 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Silver | Lee Silver ]] Caltech for geology field training .p101 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13#/media/File:Apollo_13-insignia.png | Mission patch ]] designed by Jim Lovell and New York artist [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumen_Martin_Winter | Lumen Winter ]] (not Winter'''s''') . I have an embroidered Apollo 13 mission patch (manufactured 2009 December) attached to my computer . the embroidered "Earth and swooping trajectory" looks like a small mushroom, or a penis. . I hope the flown mission patches were better .p103 Ken "never measles" Mattingly replaced by Jack Swigert . Command module Odyssey, Lunar Module Aquarius, not mentioned in index .p105 launch, below 4.5 gees . . p106, 3m20s, launch escape tower and cover jettisoned .p106 100 mile circular orbital insertion at 12m29s .p107 Third stage ignition for TLI, single J-2 burning for 6 minutes . S-IVB targeted at Moon to tickle Apollo 11/12 seismometers . 3.7 second firing of service propulsion system (SPS) engine targeting Moon rather than free return to Earth .p109 loud bang .p111 crazy warning lights and sensors, g levels 1.17x, 0.15 y and z .p114 LM power level reduced to 18 amps, usually 65A during powered descent ... plenty of excess oxygen .p116 Kludge adapting CM Lithium Hyroxide cylinders to LM; duct tape, checklist covers, and socks .p116 trajectory 136 miles from backside of Moon, [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13#cite_note-129 | furthest humans from Earth ]] .wp: 400,171 kilometers (248,655 mi) from Earth at 7:21 pm EST, April 14 (00:21:00 UTC April 15) .p118 4m40s burn of LM descent engine, 860 f/s velocity change, reduce transit time by 10 hours, splashdown near Samoa .drops LM RTG and plutonium into deep trench, vicinity of aircraft carrier [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Iwo_Jima_(LPH-2)#Pacific_recovery_forces_(Task_Force_130) | Iwo Jima ]] .p120 cold, short in descent battery, thrust from leaking water sublimator .p121 Attitude errors less than 1 degree, Hollywood movie exaggerates into disaster ... urinary tract infection .p122 133:24 mission time, power up ''Aquarius'' LM, used batteries to recharge ''Odyssey'' CM .p124 4.5 hrs before entry, separate service module, photograph major damage, star sighting course alignment .p125 separate from ''Aquarius'' LM with 2.2 psi in tunnel .p126 big jolt, later 1997 dinner with 4 of 6 U Toronto researchers who found solution .p126 5.56 G reentry, other missions greater than 6 Gs, drogues, mains at 10,000 ft .p127 celebrations around the world .p128 Presidential Medal of Freedom to Mission Control Houston, to astronauts in Hawaii .p130 Haise assigned backup commander for 1972 Apollo 16 .p132 White House dinner, Europe goodwill mission .p135 Train for Apollo 16, capcom for Apollo 14 .p137 Apollo 18 and 19 cancelled, no second chance at lunar landing .p138 April 1972 Apollo 16 Capcom .p140 Pin party, gold pin for first mission .p141 assigned to evaluate space shuttle proposals .p144 Shuttle weight reduction, control cables eliminated, fly-by-computer only .p144 four computers operating in harmony .p159 Enterprise ready to fly 1977 Jan 31, moved to Edwards .p159 [[ https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.1970-359 | FSAA Flight Simulator for Advanced Aircraft ]] .p159 [[ https://history.nasa.gov/alsj/coas.htm | Crew(man) Optical Alignment Sight ]] COAS .p161 1977 June 18: F.H. with Gordon Fullerton, first captive flight of Enterprise on 747 carrier plane . [[ https://www.spaceline.org/united-states-manned-space-flight/space-shuttle-mission-program-fact-sheets/space-shuttle-approach-and-landing-tests/ | dates and pictures ]] .p162 flutter test of controls, test of speed brakes .p163 1977 July 26, third captive test, rehersal for separation and landing .p164 1977 August 12, release and landing test, F.H. and G.F. .p165 release, roll right for separation, GPC-2 (of 4) computer fail / practice flare levelling at 250knots 20kft . speed brakes 50%, speed stabilized at 280 knots, brakes 0 at 2kft no trim change. preflare at 900ft . landing gear deployed at 265 knots, ground effect at 10 foot altitude, settled on runway at 185 knots .p166 light braking, 11,000 rollout / more tests: H&F Flight #3 Sept 23 #5 Oct 26 .p167 glided too long, pilot induced oscillation, rate limiting, roll control lost temporarily . postflight party awarded model Enterprise with half of right wing missing .p168 was hardly ever home for 10 years, divorced Mary in 1978 .p168 Assigned to STS-3 with Jack Lousma, to Skylab1979 Juk .p169 Married Frances Patt Price 1979 Jan 9 / Columbia first flight delayed, Skylab reenters Jul 11 .p170 leaves NASA 1979 June 27 (age 45), becomes VP of Space Programs at Grumman .p172 corner office facing runway, trip to Japan (dog and pony show?) .p174 Grumman&Boeing contract to study solar power satellites . . manufacture beams in orbit . . heavy lift vehicle .p174 Satellite Attack Warning System SAWS, "under 2000 feet of granite" (Cheyenne Mountain not mentioned) . forced out of contract (Grumman lost many chances) .p176 1983 Grumman Technical Services Incorporated, supporting Shuttle operations, STS-3 1982 Mar 22 .p177 Launch Processing System LPS at Vandenburg .p178 1986 watches Challenger explosion from Grumman office building in Titusville .p179 encounters Chris Kraft at filling station, says space station program-support contract would be crazy . '''pages of crazyiness''' .p183 declining budgets: [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vought Chance | Vought ]], [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convair | Convair ]], [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Aircraft_Company | Douglas ]], [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Aircraft | Fairchild ]], [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Marietta | Martin ]], [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas | McDonnell Douglas ]], [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Aviation | North American Aviation ]] "disappear" .p183 merger forms Northrup Grumman 1994 .p184 Retires from Northrup Grumman in 1996, age 63, "too much social engineering" .p186 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stennis_Space_Center#INFINITY_Science_Center | Infinity Science Center ]] opens 2012 April