Reckoning with the Public Library
Amanda Oliver 2022 MurrayScholls 027.473 OLI
Amanda Oliver website Buffalo NY -> Joshua Tree, CA
- p06 More libraries than Starbucks, 10.5 adult visits/yr.
- p07 ALA 2019 Report / Unhoused / Addicted / mental health
- p8-10 unwelcome patron comment .p13 author guilt
p14 Library Company of Philadelphia 1731 p16 colored forbidden
p17 1st American public library Boston Mason Street 1854 March 20 1870 second branch, Boston Public Library
- p18 75% of public libraries created by women's club activism
p19 Carnegie 1883-1928 $60M to fund 1700 US public libraries - in Oregon map
- p21-23 Colored Carnegie Libraries
p24 The Desegregation of Public Libraries in the Jim Crow South Wiegand 2018
- p28 2018 Librarians, Black and Asian relatively underrepresented
White |
149692 |
1.0000 |
160654446 |
1.0000 |
100% relative representation |
add: |
Black |
11213 |
0.0749 |
30830632 |
0.1919 |
39% relative representation |
17514 |
Asian |
6938 |
0.0463 |
14850826 |
0.0924 |
50% relative representation |
6900 |
At $24,479 per MLS, the cost of training additional "underrepresenteds" would be around $600M. The mean (non-burdened) salary cost is $58K. At a 7% future discount rate all those full career salaries might be 2 billion dollars for all time; about one year of total library and archive funding.
- p29 Author 7 years in DC Public Schools and DC Public Library
p31 Author first library in Willamsville suburb of Buffalo NY
p32 Author born 1985, father Episcopal Church sexton low salary, low respect
- p35 14 yo first minwage job, 15 yo two more, p36 plus shoplifting, caught age 18, record cleared after probation
- p38 MLS program at University of Buffalo graduated 2011(?),
p39 first job Thomson Elementary School in DC
p40 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodley_Park_(Washington,_D.C.) basement flat $1300/mo, salary $1300 biweekly
- p41 troubled students, mental health, very needy
p43 after Michelle Rhee resigned as school district chancellor
p43 IMPACT teacher rating system
p47 2013 to Nanaimo
p49 2015 Hyde-Addison Elementary School in Georgetown DC
- p51 elementary students who did not know what a lawn mower or horse's blinders are
- p52 buddy reading, 4th graders enjoy reading to 2/3yo
p53 two half-time jobs at two public school libraries Hyde and Garrison 2.2 miles apart
p55 too many hours, gets job at DC Public Library Northwest One near Walker-Jones PK3 to 8th grade school
p57 2018, 10 unit apartment building in Petworth neighborhood three miles norteinstitutionalization | h (17 min on Georgia Ave, 30-50 min transit )
p59 Library 4500 square feet West Slope is 6000 sq ft
- p61 Panic button for DCPL Library Police
- p62 300 sqft back office with storage, notice 4 days without an incident
- p63 don't go to Adult Fiction alone
- p64 bedbug in returned DVD
p72 Edith Macefield house in Ballard WA
- p77 1898-1903 First DC Library in a house at 1326 New York Avenue NW (now 12 story building)
p77 first Carnegie library in Mount Vernon Square, now an Apple Store
p78 Central Branch DCPL now Martin Luther King Memorial Library, plus 25 neighborhood libraries
- p79 Boss Frank, co-workers Chris and Darrion.
- p81 Children's associate Jackie (mutual hostility), Kenleigh
- p82 technicians Ms. Williams and Ms Olson
- p82 Ms. Oliver driving with cell phone, another driver snatches and breaks it. She shouts Fuck You! and files police report.
I'm surprised she wasn't cited and fined, that's a $100 fine, fool
- If you want to talk to and from work, use transit, save money, and reduce pollution
- p84 2019 DCPL 3,820,005 library visitors, 125 MLS librarians (and 415 other staff) 839,893 reference transactions
- assuming 2000 hr/year, 540 people, that is one transaction per employee every 77 minutes, 4.5 visits per transaction
- single transaction can be one question to dozens, a few seconds to much longer
- p86 most regular patrons unhoused, many struggling
4922 unhoused in 2023, some bussed there from Texas and Arizona, 0.7% of 678,972 residents
- 6297 in Portland, 1.2% of 530,498 residents in 2023
p91 dying with one's rights on, 20.5% of unhoused have serious mental health condition
- p92 2 million mentally ill jailed annually, 4000 in prison solitary confinement
p92 Franklin School Shelter closed in 2008, residents abandoned,
- p94 in 2020 becomes a private language arts museum paying $10/yr for a 99 year lease
- p95 2020 Point In Time Count, 6380 houseless, 91% black compared to 46% for DC residents
- p96 DC 19.3% mentally ill, national average 18.3%
- and so on
- p110 Northwest assigned full-time, armed Library Police officer Jones
p111 BIPOC
p112 Dallas crime rate fell to 50 year lows under police chief David Brown
p117 Burning out compassion/empathy fatigue
p121 diagnosed complex PTSD
- "roots years deep that had grown outside the library"
- p125 gave notice, left 6 weeks later August 25 2018, moved to Riverside CA
p138 cite How to do nothing : resisting the attention economy Jenny Odell 2019
- p142 post-Katrina FEMA rep "Libraries are not essential services"
actually, half of Katrina-displaced used libraries
- "Stafford Act of 2010 recognizes libraries"
p144 (some) library workers trained to administer Narcan
- p147 Jonathan Zittrain paraphrased: libraries more immune to link rot
- p150 librarian burnout, many quit like Ms. Oliver
- p153-154 librarians murdered by "patrons"
p154 Book Riot mostly fiction
p155 working as a librarian give me post traumatic stress disorder symptoms
p158 Multiphrenia fragmented, conflicting values
- p161 parents house two shelves of books below television: dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, Shakespeare
p169 The Saturated Self Gergen 1991 PSU BF697.G39 1991
p180 Hope in the dark : untold histories, wild possibilities Rebecca Solnit 2016