= Posters = Beaverton poster printers * Bear Printing Tigard - no posters, largest 13x19 * $36, Cedar House Media Beaverton . Cory recalls: $3/sf, 18 inch wide any length 600 dpi . Roland [[ http://www.rolanddga.com/products/printcut/bn/ | VersaStudio BN-20 ]] . CMYK 1440dpi, 20 inch wide, USB2 . [[ http://support.rolanddga.com/docs/Documents/departments/Technical%20Services/Manuals%20and%20Guides/BN-20_USE_EN_R2.pdf | manual ]] . Probably waterproof, prints on vinyl to make stickers with cuttable boundaries . Printer firmware is Linux(!), Windows drivers only for the host * $36, Costco . 20x30 $8.99 ($2.16/sf) 6060x9090 with edge bleed (300 dpi) . my membership has elapsed, it costs $55 to renew * $87, Kinkos Beaverton - $7.25/sf, 60 inch wide any length, "200dpi", 3 days . Coated paper, may smear when wet? . HP Z6100 1200 dpi inkjet 8 color(!) . HP-RTL, HP-GL/2, CALS G4, TIFF and JPEG files . Waterproof with the right media, but does Kinkos stock it? ----- Making posters: * GIMP - really hard to edit afterwards * Scribus -> PDF -> bitmap, maybe? * LyX / Latex / [[ http://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~dreuw/latexbeamerposter.php | beamerposter ]] - PDF * /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer, then texhash * [[ http://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/ERT | ERT ]] evil red text * With RHEL5, and qt, I can't upgrade beyond LyX 1.5.6 * convert -geometry 8100x5400 -density 1200x1200 -quality 100 trimet*pdf tri.png ( 8 minutes, 54MB, looks great ) * kpsepath, kpsewhich, ??? * [[http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/lyx/lyx_latex_tex.htm]] * LyX really isn't designed for posters, and to make it so involves configuration stuff that is way beyond my skillset * I can write this in tex using sciposter * convert -geometry 12000x18000 -density 600x600 -quality 100 kltest2.pdf kltest2.png || 6000x9000 || 300x300 || 1m00s || || 12000x18000 || 300x300 || 162m03s || || 12000x18000 || 600x600 || 5m04s || * convert -geometry 12000x18000 -density 600x600 -quality 100 sstest0.pdf sstest0.png * convert -crop 3000x2400 kltest300*.png tileb.png