== If it sounds like a quack ... == === A journey to the fringes of American medicine === === Matthew Hongholtz-Hetling === ==== Hillsboro . 615.856 HONGOLTZ-HETLING 2023 ==== An irritatingly constructed book about deluded people ... mostly. Seven separate stories chopped into four parts. I already juggle many books at a time, this reads like seven short books, or perhaps seven television shows. Fooey. The author seemingly expects the FDA to protect individuals from medical fraudsters. Most television addicts seek fraud, from the fantasy shows they watch to the advertised products they buy. Perhaps this book is intended to nudge those addicts away from idiocy; if so, the episodic structure may be familiar to televidiots, but probably won't shift them away from reality. * Larry Lytle, laser illumination quack * Toby McAdam, odd stuff in expensive pills * [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_O._Young | Robert O. Young ]], odd water * Alicja Kolyszko, [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirudo_medicinalis | leaches ]] (which led to a few approved treatments) * [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kara_Neumann_case | Leilani and Dale Neumann]], faith healing, dead diabetic daughter * Jim Humble and Mark Grenon [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Mineral_Supplement | Sodium Chlorite ]] Irrelevant(?) note; this particular copy was extra irritating because a prior library reader took it to the beach, and added some sand to the plastic book cover.