== Survival Of The Friendliest == ==== Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods . . Hillsboro 155.7 HARE 2020 ==== ----- .p82 Baby bonobos [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frottage | frottage ]], sexual rubbing .p119 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precuneus | precuneus ]], reflective self-awareness, other-group judgement .p121 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_testimony | Nayirah testimony]] claiming Iraqis slaughtered Kuwait babies .p131 '''New prejudice''', US incarceration rate higher than any other country, blacks 40% of US prison population .p132 "... it is simply a fact ..." [[https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/09/police-shootings-black-white-media-narrative-population-difference/ | Our Dangerous Drift from Reason ]] in National Review .p160 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Stenner | Karen Stenner ]] The Authoritarian Dynamic [[ https://search.library.pdx.edu/permalink/01ALLIANCE_PSU/7c1npa/alma9979316301853 | PSU ]] [[ https://archive.org/details/authoritariandyn0000sten | archive.org ]] 2005