= The Storm Before The Calm = === George Friedman 2020 Beav.Lib. 909.83 FRI === No references, no index, many assertions, based on a double-"[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclical_theory_(United_States_history)|cyclic]]" hypothesis about American history. Using two nonharmonic cycles and less than five cycles, and qualitative selection from of a subset of phenomena, a clever mathematician can fit any time series of data. Friedman doesn't bother to justify or quantify the magnitude of his assertions. After 68 pages of increasingly sparse sampling, '''I gave up on page 69''', after balderdash about the DOD stimulating the invention of the integrated circuit by TI's Jack Kilby for the Minuteman missile. . Jack Kilby filed a broad patent for a wire-bonded hybrid at TI in 1959. . Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce made the first monolithic integrated circuit at Fairchild in 1959, based on Noyce's junction-isolated transistor technique. . The 1962 Autonetics D-17B guidance computer used for the Minuteman I missile contained 1521 discrete transistors on 75 circuit boards . The 1964 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-37C | Autonetics D-37C guidance computer ]] used for the Minuteman II missile did indeed use TI integrated circuits, years after the essential Moore/Noyce invention. Back the the library it goes. I have better uses for my time.