= Wit's End = === What Wit is, How it Works, and Why We Need It === === James Geary 2019, Tigard Library 809.7 GEA === ----- Lots'a'funny. Overwhelming in one read. .p23: Lecturing at Columbia, linguist J. L. Austin claimed "no example existed of a language in which two positives make a negative. Sidney Morgenbesser stage-whispered "Yeah, yeah." .p24: During the 1984 campaign versus 56yp Walter Mondale, 73yo Reagan was asked whether he was still up to the job. "I will not make age an issue of this campaign; I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience." .p48: She had read so much about the harmful health effects that she decided to give up: A) Smoking B) Reading .p53: Dublin Archbishop Richard Whately (1787-1863): . Why can't you starve in the desert? Because you can eat the sand which is there. . Who brought the sandwiches there? Noah sent Ham, and his decendants mustered and bred. . Noah's ark was made of gopher wood, but Joan of Arc was Maid of Orleans. .p54: George Carlin: Atheism is a non-prophet institution. He was not atheist or agnostic but acrostic: "The whole thing puzzles me" .p55: John Lennon, how do you find America? "Turn left at Greenland" .p58: "No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible"