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 .p198 Alan Baddeley episodic buffer  .p198 Alan Baddeley [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baddeley%27s_model_of_working_memory#Episodic_buffer | episodic buffer ]]
 .p202 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood_amnesia | Childhood amnesia ]] boundary age 3 to 5
 .p205 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Bauer | Patricia Bauer ]] at Emory, earliest memories more perishable, completely disappear by age 9 for most children
 .p205 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristine_Beate_Walhovd | Kristine Walhovd ]] ~+Everything you want your children to remember, you must talk to them about+~
 .p207 hippocampus builds network during growth spurt of cortex ( or place or grid cells, or [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perineuronal_net | perineuronal net ]]), but data only from rodents )
 .p209 Ylva mimics Ebbinghaus to memorize 100 days
 .p217 Worry fills working memory instead of other things, so you worry that you forget ... allow more time to remember
 .p218 Worried people struggle to remember happy faces
 .p226 Alzheimer's affects hippocampus furst
 .p277 amyloid? tau? "we don't have the answers" starts several decades before disease is detectable
 .p228 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterograde_amnesia | anterograde amnesia ]] impairs new memories, hippocampus
 .p228 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_and_memory| developmental amnesia ]] Autism(?), fewer memories lifelong, but some
 .p229 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrograde_amnesia | retrograde amnesia ]] all earlier memories vanish,
 [[ https://www.tnp.no/norway/exclusive/4395-modern-borderless-nomad-wind-oyvind-aamot/ | Øyvind Aamot ]]
 .p236 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault | Svalbard Global Seed Vault ]] [[ https://www.seedvault.no/ | website ]] 2008 -18C 0F
 .p237 backup for the depositing nations, recently been affected by melting permafrost
 .p238 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_time_travel | Mental Time Travel ]] Thomas Suddendorf
  . The Gap: The Science of What Separates Us from Other Animals [[ https://multcolib.bibliocommons.com/v2/record/S152C544633 | multco lib ]] [[ https://archive.org/details/gapscienceofwhat0000sudd | archive.org ]]
 .p242 ''Homo erectus'', locations with many stone tools, workshops?
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 [[ | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Baddeley ]]
 [[ | ]]
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 [[ | ]]
 [[ | ]]
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 .p245 Schacter Addis @Harvard fMRI of '''constructive memory''' [[ https://www.nature.com/articles/445027a | Nature 2007 ]]
  . [[ https://sites.harvard.edu/schacter-memory/files/2022/07/schacter2017.pdf | Escaping the past: Contributions of the hippocampus to future thinking and imagination ]]
 .p252 depression and difficulties envisioning the future
 .p254 2 groups watch film, one does math, other interviewed about the film, the interviewed better creative problem solvers
 .p257 [[ https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rstb.2021.0350 | Suddendorf believes(?) ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lascaux | Lascaux cave painting ]] was a story, helping deal with (imagine? prepare for?) the future
 .p260 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Lise_Kjaer | Anne Lise Kjaer ]
 .p261-263 IPCC Chris Fields, Katherine Mach
 .p267 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliotheca_Alexandrina | Bibliotheca Alexandrina ]]
 [[ https://www.google.com/maps/@31.209604,29.9088086,3a,75y,161.03h,90.68t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNIWsB0Pj2qFyl97PWNcrE07omme7v1EyKuP8nT!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNIWsB0Pj2qFyl97PWNcrE07omme7v1EyKuP8nT%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya139.31857-ro-0-fo100!7i5760!8i2880?hl=en | Side view ]] looks too close to sea level
 [[ https://snohetta.com/ | Snøhetta ]] Architect Kjetil Traedal Thorsen (email on website)

Adventures In Memory

Hilde Østby and Ylva Østby

612.8233 O851X 2018 Multco Central

Mixmaster book, stories interleaved, read in one sitting or write lots of notes

AdventuresInMemory (last edited 2023-02-14 08:43:19 by KeithLofstrom)