Mike McHargue

You're A Miracle

(And a Pain in the Ass)

Embracing the Emotions, Habits, and Mystery That Make You You

Convergent Books / Penguin Random House / 2020

158.1 MCHARGUE Cedar Mill Library

McHargue and his brain, and probably yours.

Finding God in the Waves

How I lost my faith and found it through science

921 MCHARGUE Hillsboro Brookwood Library

McHargue born into Southern Baptist family, marries SB woman. Also science geek; reads Dawkins, loses faith. Learns that christian bible is helpful stories, though misused as supposed science. Finds non-dogmatic seeker Christians to hang out with. Stands on LA beach at night, water "rises 20 feet" to wash his feet, analogized to Jesus washing the feet of disciples. "20 feet" claim subjective - night, ocean, and sand are not conducive to precision elevation measurement.