Differences between revisions 18 and 20 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 18 as of 2025-02-10 06:03:11
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Revision 20 as of 2025-02-10 06:05:31
Size: 5656
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 .XV:[[ https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Secrets_of_the_Federal_Reserve_The_L.html?id=4NZvDwAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description | The Secrets of the Federal Reserve ]] [[ .https://en.wikipFranceedia.org/wiki/Eustace_Mullins | Eustace Mullins ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezra_Pound | Ezra Pound ]]  .XV:[[ https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Secrets_of_the_Federal_Reserve_The_L.html?id=4NZvDwAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description | The Secrets of the Federal Reserve ]] [[ .https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eustace_Mullins | Eustace Mullins ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezra_Pound | Ezra Pound ]]
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 .p007 [[ Jesus ejected moneychangers | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleansing_of_the_Temple ]] because they overcharged, not because they might have been Jews (???)  .p007 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleansing_of_the_Temple | Jesus ejected moneychangers ]] because they overcharged, not because they might have been Jews (???)

Mike Rothschild books

The Storm is Upon Us, 2021 Beaverton Lib 973.933 ROT

Jewish Space Lasers, 2023 Beaverton Lib 909.0492 ROT

  • p207: Chap. 11: "Making Money the Jewish Way": Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Around the World

  • Anne Frank Sanitary Napkins

  • p225: Chap. 12: Fly_Roths_Fly: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Age of Trump

  • p249: Chap. 13: It's Not Easy Being God: How George Soros Became the Rothschilds if the Twenty-First Century

  • p271: Epilogue: The Rothschilds of Nordstetten

  • Rothschild Conspiracy Theories


MikeRothschild (last edited 2025-02-18 07:50:09 by KeithLofstrom)