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---- .XI: Introduction: The Plan to Save the World .XI: false information the Pence had the authority to throw out the electoral votes of states with voting anomalies .XII: chanting "hang Mike Pence" .XIII: Q T-shirts, Q flags [[ | Q Shaman ]] .XIV: [[ | Michael Flynn ]] [[| Roger Stone ]] .XV: Violent since inception, killing, terrorism, .XVI: Rothschild writing about QAnon since January 2018 .XVI: [[ | Baby boomers spread disinformation 7x more often than under-30s ]] .XVII: emails from relatives of QAnon believers ----- .p003: '''Chap. 1: Learn to Read the Map: The Basics of QAnon''' .p003 Q vague messages (drops) from "military intelligence officer", starting on [[ | 4chan ]] .p003 [[| "Q Clearance (DOE) ]] Patriot" .p004 only "anons" understand the coded text .p005 analogy to a [[ | numbers station ]] .p005 "a ringside ticket to the final match between good and evil" .p006 [[ | Eric Hoffer ]] 1951 [[ | The True Believer ]] .p007 Hoffer's criteria: unintelligible, vague, and unverifiable .p007 [[ | 4chan ]] [[ | 8chan/8kun ]] message boards [[ | tripcodes ]] .p008 catchphrases, i.e.: WWG1WGA Where We Go One, We Go All .p008 4953 drops during (first) Trump years .p011 bad guys: Democrats, Hollywood elite, business tycoons, wealthy liberals, medical establishment, celebrities, mass media .p011 controlled by Obama (Muslim sleeper agent), Hillary (murdering blood drinking ghoul), John Podesta .p011 funded by George Soros and the Rothschild banking family, anyone against Trump and freedom .p012 between "hundreds of millions" and less than 100,000 ---- .p015: '''Chap. 2: The Calm Before the Storm: How QAnon Started''' .p016: 2017/10/5 Trump [[ | calm before the storm ]] .p018: 4chan imageboard launched 2003 by 15yo .p018: neo-Nazi babble, shock porn, harrassment of media women, violent threats, conspiracy theories .p019: Hillary will be arrested Oct 30 2017 .p023: Drop #38 "the calm before the storm." Just like Trump said .p024: [[ | Seth Rich ]] .p025: Tracy Diaz aka Tracy Beanz, [[ | Pizzagate ]] .p027: Pamphlet Anon aka Coleman Rogers, Baruch the Scribe aka [[ | Paul Furber ]] .p027: Reddit r/CTBS_stream ... Calm Before The Storm .p028: [[ | 1956 book When Prophecy Fails ]] ---- .p033: '''Chap. 3: You Have More than You Know: QAnon Hits the Big Time''' .p034: [[ | Alex Jones ]] Rob Dew senior producer .p036: [[ | David Hayes aka Praying Medic ]] .p038: [[ | It Came From something Awful ]] [[ | Dale Beran ]] .p040: 2018 June 15 heavily armed ex-Marine Matthew Wright [[ | barricaded bridge near Hoover Dam ]] .p045: Hundreds of Q believers at 2018 July 31 Trump Rally in Tampa .p047: Reddit bans 70k member r/GreatAwakening because members harrassed and doxed others ---- .p049: '''Chap. 4: Boom Week Coming: The Scams and Conspiracy Theories That Begat QAnon''' .p050: QAnon "deeply anti-Semitic" - conspiracy claims about George Soros and Rothschild bankers .p051: 8chan/8kun anti-Semitic ... .p053: ... but not Q right away ... (2020 October?) .p054: adrenochome powder available online [[ | Sigma Aldrich >95% purity $461/250mg ]] . . . [[ | China much cheaper??? ]] .p054: drug experimenters report crippling headaches and anxiety attacks .p058: [[ | NESARA ]] in the 1990s ''resembled'' QAnon in 2020 - seems irrelevant ---- .p067: '''Chap. 5: We Are the News Now: QAnon Has a Big 2019''' .p069: Large Q contingent at 2019 Grand Rapids Trump Rally .p070: 2018 July Thousands of Q branded items for sale on Amazon (2025, not so much) .p071: 2019 Feb Amazon book "An Invitation to the Great Awakening" by WWG1WGA (now remaindered and rare) .p074: [[ | James Comey ]] tweet hallucinated into California school attack .p079: [[ | Cloudflare ]] terminates 8chan security service, silencing Q .p082: 8kun finds webhost at Media Land LLC in Vladivostok ---- .p085: '''Chap. 6: God Wins: Why People Believe in QAnon''' .p087: [[*&query=&page=0&searchid=4 | Suspicious Minds by Rob Brotherton at Beaverton Library ]] .p091: [[ | Jitarth Jadeja ]] [[ | r/QAnonCasualties ]] .p095: [[ | Brian Dunning ]] of Bend OR runs [[ | ]] [[ | Brian Dunning ]] (where Mihe Rothschild frequently contributes .p098:[[ | Robert Cornero ]] ---- .p105: '''Chap. 7: This is not a Game: The Many Crimes of QAnon Followers''' .p106: [[ | Mark Juergensmeyer 1940, UCB 1974-1989 ]] .p107: [[ | Alpalus Slyman ]] .p108: [[ | Fall of the Cabal ]] .p109: [[ | Gambino crime boss ]] [[ | Frank Cali ]] murdered by [[ | Anthony Comello ]] .p110: [[ | 26yo Buckey Wolfe ]] kills brother James because "Got told me he was a lizard" .p112: self-proclaimed [[ | Pentagon Pedophile Task Force ]] [[ | Timothy Charles Holmseth ]] [[ | Field McConnell ]] .p113: [[ | Cynthia Abcug ]] [[ | Chris Hallett ]] [[ | Kirk Pendergrass ]] [[ | E-Clause ]] .p115: [[ | Neely Petrie-Blanchard ]] .p117: [[ | Sedona Az. Chapel vandalized ]] .p117: n29 [[ | Jessica Prim ]] .p117: n30 [[ | Jessica Prim "take out Joe Biden" ]] .p117: n31 [[ | Armed QAnon follower arrested in alleged Philly convention center threat linked to far-right Va. senator ]] .p117: n32 [[ | Man arrested at Capitol protest in Salem now charged with shooting at federal courthouse in Portland]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] ---- .p123: '''Chap. 8: Save the Children: QAnon Transforms in 2020 with the Pandemic''' .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: ---- .p141: '''Chap. 9: Memes at the Ready: The War Between QAnon and Social Media''' .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: ---- .p159: '''Chap. 10: Change of Batter Coming? QAnon and the 2020 Election''' .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: ----- .p181: '''Chap. 11: The Only Cult that Teaches You to Think for Yourself: What Experts Think QAnon Is (and Is Not)''' .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: .p1: ---- .p199: '''Chap. 12: Mathematically Impossible: Debunking QAnon and Its Prophecies''' .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: ---- .p217: '''Chap. 13: Where We Go One: How to Help People Who Want to Get Out of Q''' .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: ---- .p235: '''Epilogue: Friends and Happy Memories''' .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: .p2: |
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.XV:[[ | The Secrets of the Federal Reserve ]] [[ . | Eustace Mullins ]] [[ | Ezra Pound ]] | .XV:[[ | The Secrets of the Federal Reserve ]] [[ | Eustace Mullins ]] [[ | Ezra Pound ]] [[ | This Difficult Individual ]] |
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.p021 [[ | Judengasse ]] The Jew's Lane, quarter mile long, as narrow as 10 feet | .p021 [[ https://enConspirators' | Judengasse ]] The Jew's Lane, quarter mile long, as narrow as 10 feet |
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.p023 [[,_Elector_of_Hesse | William, Elector of Hesse ]] | .p023 [[,_Elector_of_Hesse | William, Elector of Hesse ]] [[ | Landgrave ]] |
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.p025 Mayer made high interest loans and deals from the Landgrave's treasury .p026 1934 Hollywood film [[ | The House of Rothschild ]] [[ | online ]] .p028 Rothschilds financed the British+allies in the [[ | Napoleonic Wars ]] .p029 when war ended, they frantically bought devalued British stocks .p030 prevented collapse of Bank of England in 1825 // cousin marriages to preserve fortunes and alliances .p032 Avoided rural agricultural America, "grave mistake" .p032 Nathan died 1836, the richest man in England, family wealth 6 million pounds, .p034 [[ | Damascus affair ]] .p037 Nathan's son [[ | Lionel de Rothschild ]] first British Jew in the House of Commons [[ | Oath of Abduration ]] .p038 elected 1847, seated in 1858 ---- .p041: '''Chap. 3: The Waterloo Canard: The Rothschild Myth to End All Myths''' .p042-44 Rothschild myths surrounding Waterloo investments, adulatory and accusatory .p044 1934 Hollywood film [[ | The House of Rothschild ]] [[ | online ]] .p047 Windsor Magazine 1903 [[ | The Money/02/ Kings of the Modern World ]] .p048 courier legend repeated by [[ | Allen Dulles ]] skepticism by [[ | Niall Ferguson ]] .p048-53 many other scurrilous sources .p053 [[ | A Family of Fortune ]] 1973 Virginia Cowles .p054 [[ | The News from Waterloo ]] 2015 Brian Cathcart ---- .p059: '''Chap. 4: The Satan Pamphlet: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Emerge After Waterloo''' .Rothschilds owned many railrods .p062 [[ | Damascus Affair ]] .p064 [[ | Alphose Toussenel ]] [[ | Charles Fourier ]] [[ | Pierre-Joseph Proudhon ]] [[ | Pierre Leroux ]] antisemites, mostly economic .[[ | Mathieu Georges Dairnvaell ]] ---- .p077: '''Chap. 5: Rises and Falls: A Brief History of the Rothschilds, Part 2: 1868-1933''' .p078 Paris captured by Bismarck, London Rothschilds send food from England to starving Parisians .p079 Rothschilds lend French low-interest money to pay indemnities .p079 some Rothschilds become idle rich, some fund colonial railroads in Africa after 1881 .p081 Nathan loans [[ | Cecil Rhodes ]] 1 million pounds to found [[ | De Beers ]] in 1888, but the [[ | Boer War ]] ended further investments .p084 [[ | Alfred Dreyfus ]] .p085 antisemitic 2 volume book [[ | Jewish France ]] 1886 .p087 August Chirac / Kings of the Republic [[ | Friedrich von Scherb ]] [[ | Wilhelm Marr ]] [[ | Telemachus Timayenis ]] .p089 Rothschilds disagreed with [[ | Theodore Herzl ]] socialist Zionism .p090 Rothschilds family members fought in both sides of World War 1 .p091 [[ | Alex Jones ]] bullshit aside, Rothschilds did not invest in WW1, while [[ | J.P. Morgan ]] profited and grew .p093 [[ | Anselm ]] founded Vienna bank [[ | Creditanstalt ]] in 1855 .p095 economies failed, Germany crushed by war reparations, 1/3 unemployed, rise of Hitler ---- .p097: '''Chap. 6: "A Country That Defies All Calculations": Rothschilds in America''' .p099 conspiracy kook [[ | Xavient Haze ]] claims Alexander Hamilton founded the [[ | First Bank of the United States ]] in 1791 with Rothschild financing .p105 [[ | Protocols of the Elders of Zion ]] .p105 [[ | The Secret World Government, or, "The Hidden Hand" ]] .p105 [[ | Henry Ford ]] The International Jew .p107 [[ | Father Charles Coughlin ]] Driving Out the Money Changers, Abraham Lincoln and the Rothschilds .p107 [[ | Conspirators' Hierarchy, John Coleman 1992 ]] .p108 [[ | August Belmont ]] . the Rothschilds did not help finance the Confederacy .p114 [[ | Jekyll Island Club ]] ---- .p117: '''Chap. 7: To Live with Dignity: The Rothschilds and World War II''' .p118 [[ | Dietrich Eckhart ]] .p118 [[ | Alfred Krupp ]] .p118 [[ https://en.wikipe---- | Völkischer Beobachter ]] .p118 [[ | Alfred Rosenberg ]] .p119 [[ | Eberhard Wolfgang Möller ]] .p119 [[ | Professor Wilhelm Grau ]] .p119 [[ | Julius Streicher ]] .p119 [[ | Der Stürmer ]] .p120 [[ | Peter Deeg ]] .p120 [[ | Hofjuden ]] .p120 [[ | Nesta Helen Webster ]] .p120 [[ | World Revolution: The Plot Against civilization ]] .p120 [[ | Henry Hyndman ]] .p123 [[ | Elizabeth Dilling ]] .p125 [[ | John T. Flynn ]] .p125 [[ | Arnold Leese ]] British Fascist .p127 [[ | The Mad Dog of Europe ]] [[ | Herman J. Mankiewicz ]] .p127 [[ | All Quiet on the Western Front ]] .p129 [[ | The House of Rothschild 1934 film ]] .p130 [[ | Confessions of a Nazi Spy ]] .p130 [[ | It Can't Happen Here ]] [[ | Sinclair Lewis ]] novel .p130 [[ | William Dudley Pelley ]] American fascist .p132 [[ | Jew Süss ]] 1934 film Eberhard Wolfgang Möller .p132 [[ | The Rothschilds' Shares in Waterloo ]] 1940 film .p132 [[ | The Eternal Jew ]] 1940 film .p136 Austrian Rothschilds plundered, p137 French Rothschilds plundered ---- .p139: '''Chap. 8: Calling All Crackpots: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Postwar World''' .p141 [[ | The Doctor's plot antisemitic campaign in Soviet Union ]] .p141 war silenced prolific antisemitic thinkers .p141 [[ | Darryl Zanuck ]] rejected by Hollywood country club as Jew (not) .p141 1947 film [[ | Gentleman's Agreement ]] .p142 [[ | Commentary ]] once leftist Jewish magazine .p142 Rothschild Austrian house closed, assets never returned .p144 [[ | Mullins on the Federal Reserve ]] .p144 [[ | Lyndon LaRouche ]] .p145 ''The Biological Jew'' and '' Adolf Hitler: an Appreciation'' by Eustace Mullins . thankfully, not online where wingnuts can read it .p145 [[ | Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America ]] .p146 Mullins died 2010 February .p146 '''Paranoia Inc.''' [[ | Liberty Letter ]] [[ | Liberty Lobby ]] [[ | Willis Carto ]] .p147 [[ | John Birch Society ]] [[ | Robert Welch ]] [[ | John Birch ]] .p147 [[ | Conde McGinley ]] ''Common Sense'' newsletter 1947 .p147 [[ | Instauration ]] Sumner Humphrey Ireland .p147 [[ | Majoritarianism ]] ''The Dispossessed Majority (1972)'' by Wilmot Robertson. .p149 [[ | W. Cleon Skousen ]] books [[ | The Naked Capitalist ]] .p149 ''contra'' [[ | Carroll Quigley ]] [[ | Tragedy and Hope ]] [[ | Multco Lib ]] . nephew [[ | Mark Skousen ]] .p150 Skousen fans Reagan, Bill Bennett, Ben Carson, Orrin Hatch, and [[ | Glenn Beck ]] .p150 ''Which Way, Western Man'' by [[ | William Gayley Simpson ]] .p151 [[ | Gary Allen ]] book [[ | None Dare Call It Conspiracy ]] .p152 extolled by [[ | Alex Jones ]] .p153 [[ | Conde McGinley ]] ''The Coming Red Dictatorship'' .p154 [[ | Gerald L. K. Smith ]] ''The Cross and the Flag'' magazine .p155 [[ | Satanic panic ]] .p155 [[ | John Todd ]] claimed Rothschilds financed ''Atlas Shrugged'' .p157 [[ | The New World Order ]] by [[ | Pat Robertson ]] .p159 [[ | Behold a Pale Horse 1991 ]] by [[ | Milton William "Bill" Cooper ]] . 1954 treaty between Eisenhower and [[ | grey aliens ]] .p159 [[ | Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programming Manual ]] .p160 [[ | Hartford Van Dyke ]] probable author .p161 The Creature from Jekyll Island by [[ | G. Edward Griffin ]] 1994 . Ron Paul and Glenn Beck are big fans .p162 [[ | Fritz Springmeier ]] [[ | Bloodlines of the Illuminati ]] .imprisoned for bank robbery [[ | framed? ]] ."Bloodlines" one of 39 English language books (many about conspiracy) on [[ | Osama bin Laden's shelf ]] ---- .p163: '''Chap. 9: Disinformation Superhighway: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Take Over the Internet''' .p164 October 1994 ?? .p165 '''Conspiracy Nation''' internet newsletter, 1994 by Brian Francis Redman 600+issues .p165 [[ | Texe Marrs ]] .p166 [[ | Sherman Skolnick ]] [[ | Overthrow of the American Republic ]] .p167 [[ | James "Bo" Gritz ]] [[ | Almost Heaven survivalist community ]] near [[,_Idaho | Kamiah Idaho ]] .p167 [[ | Henry Makow ]] exposing feminism and Jewish bankers .p167 [[ | Jack Otto radio show ]] .p167 [[ | Andrew Hitchcock Synagogue of Satan ]] .p168 [[ | David Mayer de Rothschild ]] touts 2007 [[ | Global Warming Survival Handbook ]] on [[ | Alex Jones ]] [[ | Infowars ]] .p171 Rothschilds mentioned in more than [[ | 1300 Infowar episodes ]] (5319 total mentions by 2025 Feb 10 .p171 [[ | David Icke ]] .p174 claims Hitler's undocumented grandfather was Baron Rothchild .p177 Daryl Bradford Smith 2005 .p178 [[ | MH370 ]] 2014 disappears with 4 [[ | Freescale Semiconductor ]] employees aboard .p178 Freescale (now NXP) makes the KL03 [[ | KL03 ]] microcontroller, which the conspiracy kooks claimed gave Jacob Rothschild enormous power and limitless money .p182 Mayer Rothschild "issuing and controlling" quote invented by [[ | T. Jeff Busby ]] in 1934 and repeated by [[ | Senator Robert L. Owen ]] .p184 Author Mike traces back to "If a man were permitted to make all the ballads, he need not care who should make the laws of a nation" - attributed to [[ | Andrew Fletcher 1703 ]] or [[ | Philip Sidney 1554-1586 ]] or [[ | Plato d 348 BC ]] ---- .p185: '''Chap. 10: Wouldn't Have to Work Hard: The Rothschilds in Popular Culture ''' .p185 [[ | The House of Rothschild 1934 ]] .p187 [[ | Chekhov's ]] 1894 story [[ | Rothschild's Violin ]] about the futility of hatred .p188 adapted to 1964 musical [[ | Fiddler on the Roof ]] .p188 [[ | Tevye the Dairyman ]] 1894 by [[ | Sholem Aleichem ]] . [[ | If I Were Rothschild ]] became [[ | If I Were a Rich Man ]] in the musical and movie .p190 [[ | Frederic Morton ]] 1962 biography [[,contains,The%20Rothschilds:%20A%20Family%20Portrait&offset=0 | The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait ]] .p191 Morton born 1924 in Austria as Fritz Mandelbaum .p192 [[ | "The Rothschilds" 1970 musical ]] [[ | ‘The Rothschilds’ Arrives With Style ]] .p195 Rewritten in 1990 for [[ | American Jewish Theater, ]] play and family praised by [[ | Elie Wiesel ]] .p196 [[ | The First Mrs. Rothschild ]] 2016 novel by [[ | Sara Aharoni ]] .p197 [[ | "Nica" Rothschild ]] 2012 biography [[ | The Baroness ]] by [[ | Hanna Rothschild ]] also a [[ | film ]] .p198-199 Rothschilds villified in rap songs, Nica portrayed in jazz lover Clint Eastwood's Bird (DVD at Beaverton Library) .p200-203 stalled biopics, Mel Gibson .p204-206 [[ | 1972 Surrealist Ball, Paris Rothschilds ]] compared to orgy scene in [[ | Eyes Wide Shut (1999) ]] ---- .p207: '''Chap. 11: "Making Money the Jewish Way": Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Around the World''' .p208 [[ | "Jewish business books" in Asia ]] .p208-214 Islamic Antisemitism .p214 Bagdhadi-born family [[ | Sassoon ]] in India, China, Iraq .p214 2007 Washington Post [[ | Sold on a Stereotype ]] .p215-218 [[ | The Currency Wars ]] antisemitic books by Song Hongbing .p218 WW2 some Jews living in Japan and occupied Manchuria and Shanghai .p219 Most left for Israel after the war .p219 1980s Japan obsessed with Kews, .p219 [[ | Anne Frank Sanitary Napkins ]] .p219 [[ | The Japanese and the Jews ]] .p220 Holocaust-denying fundamentalist preacher [[ | Masami Uno ]] .p220 Anti-nuke Anti-Rothschild [[ | Hirose Takashi ]] .p221 [[ | Shoko Asahara ]] [[ | Aum Shinrikyo ]] January 1995 antisemitic tract two months before subway attack .p225: '''Chap. 12: Fly_Roths_Fly: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Age of Trump''' .p226-227 alt-right antisemitism .p228 1990 New York Rothschild Inc. rescues Trump Taj Mahal for 50% stake .p229 [[ | Oleg Deripaska ]] works with Trump advisor [[ | Paul Manafort ]] .p233 D.C. politician [[ | Trayon White ]] and Rothschild weather control .p236 [[ | Marjorie Taylor Greene ]] claimed a [[ | Solaren space solar power satellite ]] "space laser" (funded by "Rothschild Inc.") ignited the [[ | Camp Fire ]] .p237 '''The Jewish Space Laser conspiracy theory''' was attributed to Greene, actually [[ | Jonathan Chait ]] in New York Magazine .p239 [[ | QAnon ]] on [[ | 4chan ]] .p241 Black Forest ... in Austria .p242 [[ | The Rothschild Human Hunting Lodge ]] [[ ]] .p242-3 Rothschild-conspiracy Republicans [[ | Mary Ann Mendoza ]] [[ | Alex Jones ]] [[ | Blake Masters ]] .p245 [[ | Pirbright Institute ]] accused of creating COVID bioweapon for Jacob Rothschild .p245 [[ | Richard A. Rothschild patent CONTINUATION application ]] for 2015 patent about time-stamping patient information . continuation intended to include COVID testing ---- .p249: '''Chap. 13: It's Not Easy Being God: How George Soros Became the Rothschilds if the Twenty-First Century''' .p250 every Rothschild conspiracy theory repurposed for [[ | George Soros ]] .p251 "rose from almost destitute" - er, '''No, upper middle class family''' according to [[ | Wikipedia article ]] . [[ | The Influence of Soros by Emily Tamkin ]] .p252 1954 (23 yo) "with just $5000 to his name" ... uh, that's $56,600 in 2023 dollars. I left college with barely enough cash to rent an apartment, and had thousands of dollars of college debt. I had a job, ate macaroni, and paid off the debt pronto. Soros had a job at a New York Investment bank. If Soros worked as hard and smart as I imagine he did, he squeezed nickles until they turned to dimes, then dollars, then kilodollars. .p253 many gambles, like shorting the pound in 1992. Smart guy, but luckier than many unlucky smart guys, who we would be reading about instead if the gambles turned out differently. Note that selling short helps stabilize falling prices - if Soros and others hadn't "sold short", the pound would likely have fallen further. .p255 Soros "funded dissidents, liberals, scientists, students and the free press" in authoritarian countries .p257 attacked by [[ | Lyndon LaRouche ]] .p259 opposed [[ | Patriot Act ]] .p260 [[ | Fake Nazi photo ]] .p262 Soros slander built Fox News .p267 October 23 2018, 16 pipe bombs sent to critics of Donald Trump .[[ ]] at 50:19 .p267 [[ | Florida resident Cesar Sayoc ]] .p268 [[ | Robert Bowers kills 11 and wounds 6 attacking synagogue ]] |
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.p027 [[ | ]] .p0 [[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .p041: '''Chap. 3: The Waterloo Canard: The Rothschild Myth to End All Myths''' .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .p059: '''Chap. 4: The Satan Pamphlet: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Emerge After Waterloo''' .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .p077: '''Chap. 5: Rises and Falls: A Brief History of the Rothschilds, Part 2: 1868-1933''' .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .p097: '''Chap. 6: "A Country That Defies All Calculations": Rothschilds in America''' .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .p117: '''Chap. 7: To Live with Dignity: The Rothschilds and World War II''' .p139: '''Chap. 8: Calling All Crackpots: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Postwar World''' .p163: '''Chap. 9: Disinformation Superhighway: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Take Over the Internet''' .p185: '''Chap. 10: Wouldn't Have to Work Hard: The Rothschilds in Popular Culture ''' [[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] [[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] [[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .p207: '''Chap. 11: "Making Money the Jewish Way": Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Around the World''' .[[ | Anne Frank Sanitary Napkins ]] .p225: '''Chap. 12: Fly_Roths_Fly: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Age of Trump''' .p249: '''Chap. 13: It's Not Easy Being God: How George Soros Became the Rothschilds if the Twenty-First Century''' |
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.[[ | ]] [[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] [[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]] [[ | ]] .[[ | ]] .[[ | ]]Rothschild Conspiracy Theories '''Other''' |
.p271 Author's ancestors, starting with Marx Rothschild 1735 in Nordstetten 60 km SW of Stuttgart .p271 1755 Emanuel Marx, later renamed Emanuel Rothschild .p271 son Moses Emanuel Rothschild emigrates to Davenport Iowa .p272 Moses grandson Arthur is author Mike's grandfather .p273 the only Rothschild among the Forbes 2500 richest is [[ | Jeff Rothschild ]], Facebook founding engineer ----- '''Other''' .[[ | Cleansing of the Temple by Jesus ]] |
Mike Rothschild books
The Storm is Upon Us, 2021 Beaverton Lib 973.933 ROT
- XI: Introduction: The Plan to Save the World
- XI: false information the Pence had the authority to throw out the electoral votes of states with voting anomalies
- XII: chanting "hang Mike Pence"
XIII: Q T-shirts, Q flags Q Shaman
XIV: Michael Flynn Roger Stone
- XV: Violent since inception, killing, terrorism,
- XVI: Rothschild writing about QAnon since January 2018
XVI: Baby boomers spread disinformation 7x more often than under-30s
- XVII: emails from relatives of QAnon believers
p003: Chap. 1: Learn to Read the Map: The Basics of QAnon
p003 Q vague messages (drops) from "military intelligence officer", starting on 4chan
p003 "Q Clearance (DOE) Patriot"
- p004 only "anons" understand the coded text
p005 analogy to a numbers station
- p005 "a ringside ticket to the final match between good and evil"
p006 Eric Hoffer 1951 The True Believer
- p007 Hoffer's criteria: unintelligible, vague, and unverifiable
p007 4chan 8chan/8kun message boards tripcodes
- p008 catchphrases, i.e.: WWG1WGA Where We Go One, We Go All
- p008 4953 drops during (first) Trump years
- p011 bad guys: Democrats, Hollywood elite, business tycoons, wealthy liberals, medical establishment, celebrities, mass media
- p011 controlled by Obama (Muslim sleeper agent), Hillary (murdering blood drinking ghoul), John Podesta
- p011 funded by George Soros and the Rothschild banking family, anyone against Trump and freedom
- p012 between "hundreds of millions" and less than 100,000
p015: Chap. 2: The Calm Before the Storm: How QAnon Started
p016: 2017/10/5 Trump calm before the storm
- p018: 4chan imageboard launched 2003 by 15yo
- p018: neo-Nazi babble, shock porn, harrassment of media women, violent threats, conspiracy theories
- p019: Hillary will be arrested Oct 30 2017
- p023: Drop #38 "the calm before the storm." Just like Trump said
p024: Seth Rich
p025: Tracy Diaz aka Tracy Beanz, Pizzagate
p027: Pamphlet Anon aka Coleman Rogers, Baruch the Scribe aka Paul Furber
- p027: Reddit r/CTBS_stream ... Calm Before The Storm
p033: Chap. 3: You Have More than You Know: QAnon Hits the Big Time
p034: Alex Jones Rob Dew senior producer
p040: 2018 June 15 heavily armed ex-Marine Matthew Wright barricaded bridge near Hoover Dam
- p045: Hundreds of Q believers at 2018 July 31 Trump Rally in Tampa
- p047: Reddit bans 70k member r/GreatAwakening because members harrassed and doxed others
p049: Chap. 4: Boom Week Coming: The Scams and Conspiracy Theories That Begat QAnon
- p050: QAnon "deeply anti-Semitic" - conspiracy claims about George Soros and Rothschild bankers
- p051: 8chan/8kun anti-Semitic ...
- p053: ... but not Q right away ... (2020 October?)
p054: adrenochome powder available online Sigma Aldrich >95% purity $461/250mg . . . China much cheaper???
- p054: drug experimenters report crippling headaches and anxiety attacks
p058: NESARA in the 1990s resembled QAnon in 2020 - seems irrelevant
p067: Chap. 5: We Are the News Now: QAnon Has a Big 2019
- p069: Large Q contingent at 2019 Grand Rapids Trump Rally
- p070: 2018 July Thousands of Q branded items for sale on Amazon (2025, not so much)
- p071: 2019 Feb Amazon book "An Invitation to the Great Awakening" by WWG1WGA (now remaindered and rare)
p074: James Comey tweet hallucinated into California school attack
p079: Cloudflare terminates 8chan security service, silencing Q
- p082: 8kun finds webhost at Media Land LLC in Vladivostok
p085: Chap. 6: God Wins: Why People Believe in QAnon
p087: Suspicious Minds by Rob Brotherton at Beaverton Library
p095: Brian Dunning of Bend OR runs Brian Dunning (where Mihe Rothschild frequently contributes
p098:Robert Cornero
p105: Chap. 7: This is not a Game: The Many Crimes of QAnon Followers
p107: Alpalus Slyman
p108: Fall of the Cabal
p109: Gambino crime boss Frank Cali murdered by Anthony Comello
p110: 26yo Buckey Wolfe kills brother James because "Got told me he was a lizard"
p112: self-proclaimed Pentagon Pedophile Task Force Timothy Charles Holmseth Field McConnell
p115: Neely Petrie-Blanchard
p117: n29 Jessica Prim
p117: n30 [[ | Jessica Prim "take out Joe Biden" ]]
p117: n32 Man arrested at Capitol protest in Salem now charged with shooting at federal courthouse in Portland
p123: Chap. 8: Save the Children: QAnon Transforms in 2020 with the Pandemic
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p141: Chap. 9: Memes at the Ready: The War Between QAnon and Social Media
- p1:
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p159: Chap. 10: Change of Batter Coming? QAnon and the 2020 Election
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p181: Chap. 11: The Only Cult that Teaches You to Think for Yourself: What Experts Think QAnon Is (and Is Not)
- p1:
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- p1:
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p199: Chap. 12: Mathematically Impossible: Debunking QAnon and Its Prophecies
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- p2:
- p2:
p217: Chap. 13: Where We Go One: How to Help People Who Want to Get Out of Q
- p2:
- p2:
- p2:
- p2:
- p2:
- p2:
p235: Epilogue: Friends and Happy Memories
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- p2:
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- p2:
- p2:
- p2:
Jewish Space Lasers, 2023 Beaverton Lib 909.0492 ROT
XI: Ukrainian Inna Yashchyshyn "Anna de Rothschild" at Mar-a-Lago
XIV: rapper Kayne West antisemitism
XV:The Secrets of the Federal Reserve Eustace Mullins Ezra Pound This Difficult Individual
XVII: No dynasty Rothschilds interviewed
p003: Chap. 1: Greedy Cheap and Blessed: The History of Jewish Money Tropes
- p004: Vladimir Putin against the evil cabal
p007 Jesus ejected moneychangers because they overcharged, not because they might have been Jews (???)
- p008 Farming forbidden to Jews, money lending only option??
p012 Court Jew
p013 Shtadlan unelected envoy to royal court
p014 Selma Stern The Court Jew
p015 1940 Jud Süβ the most antisemitic film of all time
p018 The "Cheap Jew", from frugality to stinginess, Jew down
p021: Chap. 2: A Brief History of the Rothschilds, Part 1: 1565-1868
p021 Judengasse The Jew's Lane, quarter mile long, as narrow as 10 feet
- p022 Limited to 12 weddings per year
- p023 Isak Elchanan (?-1585), surname taken from father's first name
Amschel Mayer Rothschild in Frankfurt
James Mayer de Rothschild to Paris
Carl Mayer Freiherr von Rothschild to Naples
Nathan Mayer Rothschild to England
Salomon Mayer von Rothschild to Austria
- p025 Mayer made high interest loans and deals from the Landgrave's treasury
p026 1934 Hollywood film The House of Rothschild online
p028 Rothschilds financed the British+allies in the Napoleonic Wars
- p029 when war ended, they frantically bought devalued British stocks
- p030 prevented collapse of Bank of England in 1825 // cousin marriages to preserve fortunes and alliances
- p032 Avoided rural agricultural America, "grave mistake"
- p032 Nathan died 1836, the richest man in England, family wealth 6 million pounds,
p034 Damascus affair
p037 Nathan's son Lionel de Rothschild first British Jew in the House of Commons Oath of Abduration
- p038 elected 1847, seated in 1858
p041: Chap. 3: The Waterloo Canard: The Rothschild Myth to End All Myths
- p042-44 Rothschild myths surrounding Waterloo investments, adulatory and accusatory
p044 1934 Hollywood film The House of Rothschild online
p047 Windsor Magazine 1903 The Money/02/ Kings of the Modern World
p048 courier legend repeated by Allen Dulles skepticism by Niall Ferguson
- p048-53 many other scurrilous sources
p053 A Family of Fortune 1973 Virginia Cowles
p054 The News from Waterloo 2015 Brian Cathcart
p059: Chap. 4: The Satan Pamphlet: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Emerge After Waterloo
- Rothschilds owned many railrods
p062 Damascus Affair
p064 Alphose Toussenel Charles Fourier Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Pierre Leroux antisemites, mostly economic
p077: Chap. 5: Rises and Falls: A Brief History of the Rothschilds, Part 2: 1868-1933
- p078 Paris captured by Bismarck, London Rothschilds send food from England to starving Parisians
- p079 Rothschilds lend French low-interest money to pay indemnities
- p079 some Rothschilds become idle rich, some fund colonial railroads in Africa after 1881
p081 Nathan loans Cecil Rhodes 1 million pounds to found De Beers in 1888, but the Boer War ended further investments
p084 Alfred Dreyfus
p085 antisemitic 2 volume book Jewish France 1886
p087 August Chirac / Kings of the Republic Friedrich von Scherb Wilhelm Marr Telemachus Timayenis
p089 Rothschilds disagreed with Theodore Herzl socialist Zionism
- p090 Rothschilds family members fought in both sides of World War 1
p091 Alex Jones bullshit aside, Rothschilds did not invest in WW1, while J.P. Morgan profited and grew
p093 Anselm founded Vienna bank Creditanstalt in 1855
- p095 economies failed, Germany crushed by war reparations, 1/3 unemployed, rise of Hitler
p097: Chap. 6: "A Country That Defies All Calculations": Rothschilds in America
p099 conspiracy kook Xavient Haze claims Alexander Hamilton founded the First Bank of the United States in 1791 with Rothschild financing
p105 Henry Ford The International Jew
p107 Father Charles Coughlin Driving Out the Money Changers, Abraham Lincoln and the Rothschilds
p108 August Belmont
- the Rothschilds did not help finance the Confederacy
p114 Jekyll Island Club
p117: Chap. 7: To Live with Dignity: The Rothschilds and World War II
p118 Dietrich Eckhart
p118 Alfred Krupp
p118 [[ https://en.wikipe----
- | Völkischer Beobachter ]]
p118 Alfred Rosenberg
p119 Julius Streicher
p119 Der Stürmer
p120 Peter Deeg
p120 Hofjuden
p120 Nesta Helen Webster
p120 Henry Hyndman
p123 Elizabeth Dilling
p125 John T. Flynn
p125 Arnold Leese British Fascist
p130 It Can't Happen Here Sinclair Lewis novel
p130 William Dudley Pelley American fascist
p132 Jew Süss 1934 film Eberhard Wolfgang Möller
p132 The Rothschilds' Shares in Waterloo 1940 film
p132 The Eternal Jew 1940 film
- p136 Austrian Rothschilds plundered, p137 French Rothschilds plundered
p139: Chap. 8: Calling All Crackpots: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Postwar World
- p141 war silenced prolific antisemitic thinkers
p141 Darryl Zanuck rejected by Hollywood country club as Jew (not)
p141 1947 film Gentleman's Agreement
p142 Commentary once leftist Jewish magazine
- p142 Rothschild Austrian house closed, assets never returned
p144 Lyndon LaRouche
p145 The Biological Jew and Adolf Hitler: an Appreciation by Eustace Mullins
- thankfully, not online where wingnuts can read it
p145 Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America
- p146 Mullins died 2010 February
p146 Paranoia Inc. Liberty Letter Liberty Lobby Willis Carto
p147 Conde McGinley Common Sense newsletter 1947
p147 Instauration Sumner Humphrey Ireland
p147 Majoritarianism The Dispossessed Majority (1972) by Wilmot Robertson.
p149 W. Cleon Skousen books The Naked Capitalist
p149 contra Carroll Quigley Tragedy and Hope Multco Lib
nephew Mark Skousen
p150 Skousen fans Reagan, Bill Bennett, Ben Carson, Orrin Hatch, and Glenn Beck
p150 Which Way, Western Man by William Gayley Simpson
p151 Gary Allen book None Dare Call It Conspiracy
p152 extolled by Alex Jones
p153 Conde McGinley The Coming Red Dictatorship
p154 Gerald L. K. Smith The Cross and the Flag magazine
p155 Satanic panic
p155 John Todd claimed Rothschilds financed Atlas Shrugged
p157 The New World Order by Pat Robertson
p159 Behold a Pale Horse 1991 by Milton William "Bill" Cooper
1954 treaty between Eisenhower and grey aliens
p159 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programming Manual
p160 Hartford Van Dyke probable author
p161 The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin 1994
- Ron Paul and Glenn Beck are big fans
p162 Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati
imprisoned for bank robbery framed?
"Bloodlines" one of 39 English language books (many about conspiracy) on Osama bin Laden's shelf
p163: Chap. 9: Disinformation Superhighway: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Take Over the Internet
- p164 October 1994 ??
p165 Conspiracy Nation internet newsletter, 1994 by Brian Francis Redman 600+issues
p165 Texe Marrs
p167 James "Bo" Gritz Almost Heaven survivalist community near Kamiah Idaho
p167 Henry Makow exposing feminism and Jewish bankers
p167 Jack Otto radio show
p168 David Mayer de Rothschild touts 2007 Global Warming Survival Handbook on Alex Jones Infowars
p171 Rothschilds mentioned in more than 1300 Infowar episodes (5319 total mentions by 2025 Feb 10
p171 David Icke
- p174 claims Hitler's undocumented grandfather was Baron Rothchild
- p177 Daryl Bradford Smith 2005
p178 MH370 2014 disappears with 4 Freescale Semiconductor employees aboard
p178 Freescale (now NXP) makes the KL03 KL03 microcontroller, which the conspiracy kooks claimed gave Jacob Rothschild enormous power and limitless money
p182 Mayer Rothschild "issuing and controlling" quote invented by T. Jeff Busby in 1934 and repeated by Senator Robert L. Owen
p184 Author Mike traces back to "If a man were permitted to make all the ballads, he need not care who should make the laws of a nation" - attributed to Andrew Fletcher 1703 or Philip Sidney 1554-1586 or Plato d 348 BC
p185: Chap. 10: Wouldn't Have to Work Hard: The Rothschilds in Popular Culture
p187 Chekhov's 1894 story Rothschild's Violin about the futility of hatred
p188 adapted to 1964 musical Fiddler on the Roof
p188 Tevye the Dairyman 1894 by Sholem Aleichem
If I Were Rothschild became If I Were a Rich Man in the musical and movie
p190 Frederic Morton 1962 biography The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait
- p191 Morton born 1924 in Austria as Fritz Mandelbaum
p192 "The Rothschilds" 1970 musical ‘The Rothschilds’ Arrives With Style
p195 Rewritten in 1990 for American Jewish Theater, play and family praised by Elie Wiesel
p196 The First Mrs. Rothschild 2016 novel by Sara Aharoni
p197 "Nica" Rothschild 2012 biography The Baroness by Hanna Rothschild also a film
- p198-199 Rothschilds villified in rap songs, Nica portrayed in jazz lover Clint Eastwood's Bird (DVD at Beaverton Library)
- p200-203 stalled biopics, Mel Gibson
p204-206 1972 Surrealist Ball, Paris Rothschilds compared to orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
p207: Chap. 11: "Making Money the Jewish Way": Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Around the World
- p208-214 Islamic Antisemitism
p214 Bagdhadi-born family Sassoon in India, China, Iraq
p214 2007 Washington Post Sold on a Stereotype
p215-218 The Currency Wars antisemitic books by Song Hongbing
- p218 WW2 some Jews living in Japan and occupied Manchuria and Shanghai
- p219 Most left for Israel after the war
- p219 1980s Japan obsessed with Kews,
p220 Holocaust-denying fundamentalist preacher Masami Uno
p220 Anti-nuke Anti-Rothschild Hirose Takashi
p221 Shoko Asahara Aum Shinrikyo January 1995 antisemitic tract two months before subway attack
p225: Chap. 12: Fly_Roths_Fly: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Age of Trump
- p226-227 alt-right antisemitism
- p228 1990 New York Rothschild Inc. rescues Trump Taj Mahal for 50% stake
p229 Oleg Deripaska works with Trump advisor Paul Manafort
p233 D.C. politician Trayon White and Rothschild weather control
p236 Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed a Solaren space solar power satellite "space laser" (funded by "Rothschild Inc.") ignited the Camp Fire
p237 The Jewish Space Laser conspiracy theory was attributed to Greene, actually Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine
- p241 Black Forest ... in Austria
p242 The Rothschild Human Hunting Lodge
p242-3 Rothschild-conspiracy Republicans Mary Ann Mendoza Alex Jones Blake Masters
p245 Pirbright Institute accused of creating COVID bioweapon for Jacob Rothschild
p245 Richard A. Rothschild patent CONTINUATION application for 2015 patent about time-stamping patient information
- continuation intended to include COVID testing
p249: Chap. 13: It's Not Easy Being God: How George Soros Became the Rothschilds if the Twenty-First Century
p250 every Rothschild conspiracy theory repurposed for George Soros
p251 "rose from almost destitute" - er, No, upper middle class family according to Wikipedia article
- p252 1954 (23 yo) "with just $5000 to his name" ... uh, that's $56,600 in 2023 dollars. I left college with barely enough cash to rent an apartment, and had thousands of dollars of college debt. I had a job, ate macaroni, and paid off the debt pronto. Soros had a job at a New York Investment bank. If Soros worked as hard and smart as I imagine he did, he squeezed nickles until they turned to dimes, then dollars, then kilodollars.
- p253 many gambles, like shorting the pound in 1992. Smart guy, but luckier than many unlucky smart guys, who we would be reading about instead if the gambles turned out differently. Note that selling short helps stabilize falling prices - if Soros and others hadn't "sold short", the pound would likely have fallen further.
- p255 Soros "funded dissidents, liberals, scientists, students and the free press" in authoritarian countries
p257 attacked by Lyndon LaRouche
p259 opposed Patriot Act
p260 Fake Nazi photo
- p262 Soros slander built Fox News
- p267 October 23 2018, 16 pipe bombs sent to critics of Donald Trump
p268 Robert Bowers kills 11 and wounds 6 attacking synagogue
p271: Epilogue: The Rothschilds of Nordstetten
- p271 Author's ancestors, starting with Marx Rothschild 1735 in Nordstetten 60 km SW of Stuttgart
- p271 1755 Emanuel Marx, later renamed Emanuel Rothschild
- p271 son Moses Emanuel Rothschild emigrates to Davenport Iowa
- p272 Moses grandson Arthur is author Mike's grandfather
p273 the only Rothschild among the Forbes 2500 richest is Jeff Rothschild, Facebook founding engineer