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 .p139: '''Chap. 8: Calling All Crackpots: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Postwar World'''
 .p141 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctors%27_plot | The Doctor's plot antisemitic campaign in Soviet Union ]]
 .p141 war silenced prolific antisemitic thinkers
 .p141 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darryl_F._Zanuck | Darryl Zanuck ]] rejected by Hollywood country club as Jew (not)
 .p141 1947 film [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentleman%27s_Agreement | Gentleman's Agreement ]]
 .p142 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commentary_(magazine | Commentary ]] once leftist Jewish magazine
 .p142 Rothschild Austrian house closed, assets never returned
 .p144 [[ https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Secrets_of_the_Federal_Reserve_The_L.html?id=4NZvDwAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description | Mullins on the Federal Reserve ]]
 .p144 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche | Lyndon LaRouche ]]
 .p145 ''The Biological Jew'' and '' Adolf Hitler: an Appreciation'' by Eustace Mullins
  . thankfully, not online where wingnuts can read it
 .p145 [[ https://books.google.com/books/about/Murder_by_Injection.html?id=WFzLjwEACAAJ&source=kp_book_description | Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America ]]
 .p146 Mullins died 2010 February
 .p146 '''Paranoia Inc.''' [[ https://digital.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/items/show/5933#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0&xywh=-121%2C0%2C642%2C600 | Liberty Letter ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_Lobby | Liberty Lobby ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willis_Carto | Willis Carto ]]
 .p147 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Birch_Society | John Birch Society ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Welch_Jr. | Robert Welch ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Birch_(missionary) | John Birch ]]
 .p147 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conde_McGinley | Conde McGinley ]] ''Common Sense'' newsletter 1947
 .p147 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instauration | Instauration ]] Sumner Humphrey Ireland
 .p147 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majoritarianism | Majoritarianism ]] ''The Dispossessed Majority (1972)'' by Wilmot Robertson.
 .p149 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Cleon_Skousen | W. Cleon Skousen ]] books [[ https://search.worldcat.org/title/3752852 | The Naked Capitalist ]]
 .p149 ''contra'' [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Quigley | Carroll Quigley ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_and_Hope | Tragedy and Hope ]] [[ https://multcolib.bibliocommons.com/v2/record/S152C937301 | Multco Lib ]]
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 .p139: '''Chap. 8: Calling All Crackpots: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Postwar World'''  .p163: '''Chap. 9: Disinformation Superhighway: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Take Over the Internet'''
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 .p185: '''Chap. 10: Wouldn't Have to Work Hard: The Rothschilds in Popular Culture '''
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 .p207: '''Chap. 11: "Making Money the Jewish Way": Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Around the World'''
 .p2 [[ https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2016/the-japanese-tampon-named-for-anne-frank | Anne Frank Sanitary Napkins ]]
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 .p185: '''Chap. 10: Wouldn't Have to Work Hard: The Rothschilds in Popular Culture '''
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 .p207: '''Chap. 11: "Making Money the Jewish Way": Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Around the World'''
 .[[ https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2016/the-japanese-tampon-named-for-anne-frank | Anne Frank Sanitary Napkins ]]
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Mike Rothschild books

The Storm is Upon Us, 2021 Beaverton Lib 973.933 ROT

  • More Later

Jewish Space Lasers, 2023 Beaverton Lib 909.0492 ROT

  • p077: Chap. 5: Rises and Falls: A Brief History of the Rothschilds, Part 2: 1868-1933

  • p078 Paris captured by Bismarck, London Rothschilds send food from England to starving Parisians
  • p079 Rothschilds lend French low-interest money to pay indemnities
  • p079 some Rothschilds become idle rich, some fund colonial railroads in Africa after 1881
  • p081 Nathan loans Cecil Rhodes 1 million pounds to found De Beers in 1888, but the Boer War ended further investments

  • p084 Alfred Dreyfus

  • p085 antisemitic 2 volume book Jewish France 1886

  • p087 August Chirac / Kings of the Republic Friedrich von Scherb Wilhelm Marr Telemachus Timayenis

  • p089 Rothschilds disagreed with Theodore Herzl socialist Zionism

  • p090 Rothschilds family members fought in both sides of World War 1
  • p091 Alex Jones bullshit aside, Rothschilds did not invest in WW1, while J.P. Morgan profited and grew

  • p093 Anselm founded Vienna bank Creditanstalt in 1855

  • p095 economies failed, Germany crushed by war reparations, 1/3 unemployed, rise of Hitler


  • p163: Chap. 9: Disinformation Superhighway: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories Take Over the Internet

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p185: Chap. 10: Wouldn't Have to Work Hard: The Rothschilds in Popular Culture

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p1

  • p2

  • p225: Chap. 12: Fly_Roths_Fly: Rothschild Conspiracy Theories in the Age of Trump

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p249: Chap. 13: It's Not Easy Being God: How George Soros Became the Rothschilds if the Twenty-First Century

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p271: Epilogue: The Rothschilds of Nordstetten

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2

  • p2


MikeRothschild (last edited 2025-02-18 07:50:09 by KeithLofstrom)