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Revision 101 as of 2025-02-13 11:06:05
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 .p190 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Morton | Frederic Morton ]] 1962 biography [[ https://search.library.pdx.edu/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma9983666701853&context=L&vid=01ALLIANCE_PSU:PSU&lang=en&search_scope=PSU_ONLY&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&tab=Everything&query=any,contains,The%20Rothschilds:%20A%20Family%20Portrait&offset=0 | The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait ]]
 .p1 [[ | ]]
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 .p190 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Morton | Frederic Morton ]] 1962 biography [[ https://search.library.pdx.edu/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma9983666701853&context=L&vid=01ALLIANCE_PSU:PSU&lang=en&search_scope=PSU_ONLY&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&tab=Everything&query=any,contains,The%20Rothschilds:%20A%20Family%20Portrait&offset=0 | The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait ]]
 .p191 Morton born 1924 in Austria as Fritz Mandelbaum
 .p192 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rothschilds_(musical) | "The Rothschilds" 1970 musical ]] [[ https://www.nytimes.com/1970/10/20/archives/the-rothschilds-arrives-with-style.html | ‘The Rothschilds’ Arrives With Style ]]
 .p195 Rewritten in 1990 for [[ https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1990/09/23/328690.html?pageNumber=220 | American Jewish Theater, ]] play and family praised by [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elie_Wiesel | Elie Wiesel ]]
 .p196 [[ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1542007275?tag=worldcat-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1 | The First Mrs. Rothschild ]] 2016 novel by [[ https://books.google.com/books/about/The_First_Mrs_Rothschild.html?id=jF5lwQEACAAJ&source=kp_author_description | Sara Aharoni ]]
 .p197 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pannonica_de_Koenigswarter | "Nica" Rothschild ]] 2012 biography [[ https://www.amazon.com/Baroness-Search-Nica-Rebellious-Rothschild/dp/0307961982 | The Baroness ]] by [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_Rothschild_(film_maker) | Hanna Rothschild ]] also a [[ https://web.archive.org/web/20080705111310/http://www.thejazzbaroness.co.uk/aboutthedirector.asp | film ]]
 .p198-199 Rothschilds villified in rap songs, Nica portrayed in jazz lover Clint Eastwood's Bird (DVD at Beaverton Library)
 .p200-203 stalled biopics, Mel Gibson
 .p204-206 [[ https://www.kidsofdada.com/blogs/magazine/9840568-the-surrealist-ball-of-72 | 1972 Surrealist Ball, Paris Rothschilds ]] compared to orgy scene in [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyes_Wide_Shut | Eyes Wide Shut (1999) ]]
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 .p2 [[ https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2016/the-japanese-tampon-named-for-anne-frank | Anne Frank Sanitary Napkins ]]
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 .p208 [[ https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/community/articles/china-jews-jewish-success-in-business-tablet-magazine | "Jewish business books" in Asia ]]
 .p208-214 Islamic Antisemitism
 .p214 Bagdhadi-born family [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Sassoon_(treasurer) | Sassoon ]] in India, China, Iraq
 .p214 2007 Washington Post [[ https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/06/AR2007020601713.html | Sold on a Stereotype ]]
 .p215-218 [[ https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Song+Hongbing&crid=RMJMK2SV4XSO | The Currency Wars ]] antisemitic books by Song Hongbing
 .p218 WW2 some Jews living in Japan and occupied Manchuria and Shanghai
 .p219 Most left for Israel after the war
 .p219 1980s Japan obsessed with Kews,
 .p219 [[ https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2016/the-japanese-tampon-named-for-anne-frank | Anne Frank Sanitary Napkins ]]
 .p219 [[ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5100686-the-japanese-and-the-jews | The Japanese and the Jews ]]
 .p220 Holocaust-denying fundamentalist preacher [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masami_Uno | Masami Uno ]]
 .p220 Anti-nuke Anti-Rothschild [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takashi_Hirose_(writer) | Hirose Takashi ]]
 .p221 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoko_Asahara | Shoko Asahara ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aum_Shinrikyo | Aum Shinrikyo ]] January 1995 antisemitic tract two months before subway attack
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 .p226-227 alt-right antisemitism
 .p228 1990 New York Rothschild Inc. rescues Trump Taj Mahal for 50% stake
 .p229 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleg_Deripaska | Oleg Deripaska ]] works with Trump advisor [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Manafort | Paul Manafort ]]
 .p233 D.C. politician [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trayon_White#Jewish_conspiracy_theory_controversy | Trayon White ]] and Rothschild weather control
 .p236 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Taylor_Greene | Marjorie Taylor Greene ]] claimed a [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solaren | Solaren space solar power satellite ]] "space laser" (funded by "Rothschild Inc.") ignited the [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Fire_(2018) | Camp Fire ]]
 .p237 '''The Jewish Space Laser conspiracy theory''' was attributed to Greene, actually [[ https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html | Jonathan Chait ]] in New York Magazine
 .p239 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon | QAnon ]] on [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan | 4chan ]]
  .p241 Black Forest ... in Austria
 .p242 [[ https://www.themikerothschild.com/2019/06/13/rothschild-human-hunting-lodge | The Rothschild Human Hunting Lodge ]] [[ https://family.rothschildarchive.org/estates/86-langau ]]
 .p242-3 Rothschild-conspiracy Republicans [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brandon_Mendoza#Aftermath | Mary Ann Mendoza ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones | Alex Jones ]] [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blake_Masters#Blog_posts | Blake Masters ]]
 .p245 [[ https://www.pirbright.ac.uk/ | Pirbright Institute ]] accused of creating COVID bioweapon for Jacob Rothschild
 .p245 [[https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200126593A1/en?inventor=Richard+A.+Rothschild&oq=Richard+A.+Rothschild&peid=62e01d21a1e60%3A45%3A59aa8130 | Richard A. Rothschild patent CONTINUATION application ]] for 2015 patent about time-stamping patient information
  . continuation intended to include COVID testing
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 .p250 every Rothschild conspiracy theory repurposed for [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros | George Soros ]]
 .p251 "rose from almost destitute" - er, '''No, upper middle class family''' according to [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros#Early_life_and_education | Wikipedia article ]]
  . [[ https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062972634?tag=addallused-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1 | The Influence of Soros by Emily Tamkin ]]
 .p252 1954 (23 yo) "with just $5000 to his name" ... uh, that's $56,600 in 2023 dollars. I left college with barely enough cash to rent an apartment, and had thousands of dollars of college debt. I had a job, ate macaroni, and paid off the debt pronto. Soros had a job at a New York Investment bank. If Soros worked as hard and smart as I imagine he did, he squeezed nickles until they turned to dimes, then dollars, then kilodollars.
 .p253 many gambles, like shorting the pound in 1992. Smart guy, but luckier than many unlucky smart guys, who we would be reading about instead if the gambles turned out differently. Note that selling short helps stabilize falling prices - if Soros and others hadn't "sold short", the pound would likely have fallen further.
 .p255 Soros "funded dissidents, liberals, scientists, students and the free press" in authoritarian countries
 .p257 attacked by [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche | Lyndon LaRouche ]]
 .p259 opposed [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act | Patriot Act ]]
 .p260 [[ https://www.factcheck.org/person/george-soros/ | Fake Nazi photo ]]
 .p262 Soros slander built Fox News
 .p267 October 23 2018, 16 pipe bombs sent to critics of Donald Trump
   .[[ https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-october-23-2018 ]] at 50:19
 .p267 [[ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/florida-man-pleads-guilty-to-mailing-bombs-to-trump-critics | Florida resident Cesar Sayoc ]]
 .p268 [[ Pittsburgh synagogue shooting | Robert Bowers kills 11 and wounds 6 attacking synagogue ]]
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 .p271 Author's ancestors, starting with Marx Rothschild 1735 in Nordstetten 60 km SW of Stuttgart
 .p271 1755 Emanuel Marx, later renamed Emanuel Rothschild
 .p271 son Moses Emanuel Rothschild emigrates to Davenport Iowa
 .p272 Moses grandson Arthur is author Mike's grandfather
 .p273 the only Rothschild among the Forbes 2500 richest is [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_J._Rothschild | Jeff Rothschild ]], Facebook founding engineer

Mike Rothschild books

The Storm is Upon Us, 2021 Beaverton Lib 973.933 ROT

  • More Later

Jewish Space Lasers, 2023 Beaverton Lib 909.0492 ROT

  • p077: Chap. 5: Rises and Falls: A Brief History of the Rothschilds, Part 2: 1868-1933

  • p078 Paris captured by Bismarck, London Rothschilds send food from England to starving Parisians
  • p079 Rothschilds lend French low-interest money to pay indemnities
  • p079 some Rothschilds become idle rich, some fund colonial railroads in Africa after 1881
  • p081 Nathan loans Cecil Rhodes 1 million pounds to found De Beers in 1888, but the Boer War ended further investments

  • p084 Alfred Dreyfus

  • p085 antisemitic 2 volume book Jewish France 1886

  • p087 August Chirac / Kings of the Republic Friedrich von Scherb Wilhelm Marr Telemachus Timayenis

  • p089 Rothschilds disagreed with Theodore Herzl socialist Zionism

  • p090 Rothschilds family members fought in both sides of World War 1
  • p091 Alex Jones bullshit aside, Rothschilds did not invest in WW1, while J.P. Morgan profited and grew

  • p093 Anselm founded Vienna bank Creditanstalt in 1855

  • p095 economies failed, Germany crushed by war reparations, 1/3 unemployed, rise of Hitler

  • p249: Chap. 13: It's Not Easy Being God: How George Soros Became the Rothschilds if the Twenty-First Century

  • p250 every Rothschild conspiracy theory repurposed for George Soros

  • p251 "rose from almost destitute" - er, No, upper middle class family according to Wikipedia article

  • p252 1954 (23 yo) "with just $5000 to his name" ... uh, that's $56,600 in 2023 dollars. I left college with barely enough cash to rent an apartment, and had thousands of dollars of college debt. I had a job, ate macaroni, and paid off the debt pronto. Soros had a job at a New York Investment bank. If Soros worked as hard and smart as I imagine he did, he squeezed nickles until they turned to dimes, then dollars, then kilodollars.
  • p253 many gambles, like shorting the pound in 1992. Smart guy, but luckier than many unlucky smart guys, who we would be reading about instead if the gambles turned out differently. Note that selling short helps stabilize falling prices - if Soros and others hadn't "sold short", the pound would likely have fallen further.
  • p255 Soros "funded dissidents, liberals, scientists, students and the free press" in authoritarian countries
  • p257 attacked by Lyndon LaRouche

  • p259 opposed Patriot Act

  • p260 Fake Nazi photo

  • p262 Soros slander built Fox News
  • p267 October 23 2018, 16 pipe bombs sent to critics of Donald Trump
  • p267 Florida resident Cesar Sayoc

  • p268 Robert Bowers kills 11 and wounds 6 attacking synagogue

  • p271: Epilogue: The Rothschilds of Nordstetten

  • p271 Author's ancestors, starting with Marx Rothschild 1735 in Nordstetten 60 km SW of Stuttgart
  • p271 1755 Emanuel Marx, later renamed Emanuel Rothschild
  • p271 son Moses Emanuel Rothschild emigrates to Davenport Iowa
  • p272 Moses grandson Arthur is author Mike's grandfather
  • p273 the only Rothschild among the Forbes 2500 richest is Jeff Rothschild, Facebook founding engineer


MikeRothschild (last edited 2025-02-18 07:50:09 by KeithLofstrom)