Oregonian Obituary Info

Here is the information submitted to the Oregonian on January 3, 2005

{{ Name: _Ms. Catherine Jerrell Lofstrom_ Maiden Name: _Jerrell_

Date of Death: _December 29, 2004_ Age:_83_

City of Residence: _Beaverton, Oregon_

Cause of Death: _Complications from Congestive Heart Failure_

A memorial service will held be at 11am Saturday January 15, 2005 at Cedar Hills United Church of Christ, 11695 SW Park Way, Portland Oregon

Birthdate and City:_August 1, 1921 Phoenix Arizona_

Spouse: _na_

Job Title: _Bookkeeper_ Primary Employer: _Beaverton Public Schools_

Years and Cities Lived in Portland Metro Area:

Other Information: _na_


Number of grandchildren _1_ Number of great-grandchildren _0_

Rememberance to _Cedar Hills United Church of Christ_

Name of Cremation Service: _Autumn Funerals & Cremations_ Phone _503-443-4900_

Family Member: _Keith Lofstrom_ Daytime and Evening Phone: _503-520-1993_

*Website: _snurl.com/btof_*

(Keith Lofstrom) Date:_January 3, 2005_ }}

This information can be found on the web at: http://www.keithl.com/ObituaryInfo