Hi, my name is Paula Lynn.

In my world, Thursdays were Cathy's day. No matter how my week had unrolled, my Thursdays with Cathy sort of made eveything fall into place. A little chocolate and a hug always seemed to put things right.

Cathy always had sound advice for me and taught me a lot about many things ... even the basic things of gardening like how to tell a flower from a weed which can probably be applied to some other areas in life, as well. However, I think she gave up trying to convey some of her cooking skills. Instead she got me started sewing a little. For this and many things I had to call her often to get some coaching. It was good that she had some patience, (sometimes with much effort).Cathy would call me sometimes to pick a few things up for her. One of her favorite things was the Choclate turtles. She was always running low on them. I used to tease her that they were going extinct and that Jacque Costeau was going to hunt her down. With a smile on her face, she would always say "just let him find me!" Also, there was the time when Cathy was in ICU all hooked up and laying there. Imagine my surprise when I was by her side and she open her eyes and said "What are you doing here. You should be at work."

That is the Cathy that I have come to know and love.

Our friendship has reaffirmed that age makes no difference in choosing one's friends.

I will miss my Thursdays with my dear friend, Cathy.