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Revision 28 as of 2025-02-07 08:31:58
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Revision 29 as of 2025-02-07 22:08:49
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  . est. energy 6.5e12 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV * 1e11 protons/bunch * 4000 bunches * 2 (both directions) ≈ 800 MJ   . "... as they reeled from a blow with the power of 500 million stampeding horses." What does that mean?
. est. energy 6.5e12 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV * 1e11 protons/bunch * 4000 bunches * 2 (both directions) ≈ 800MJ
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  . "power of ... " the 27 km circumference has a "drain time" of 90 microseconds, hence 800MJ/9e-5s = 9e12W for 90us
  . 5e8 "horsepower" * 736W/horsepower -> 3.7e11W = 4.1% of 9e12 Watts. If the drain time is 25 laps of the ring, then maybe

Space Oddities

The Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding of the Universe

Harry Cliff 2024 Beaverton Lib 523.1 CLI

No Index ... a reason to purchase better books instead


SpaceOddities (last edited 2025-02-08 09:25:16 by KeithLofstrom)