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.p72 [[ | McMurdo Station ]] | .p72 [[ https:/.p22/ | McMurdo Station ]] |
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.p202 2022/12/20 [[ | Renato Quagliani ]] announces ... after misunderstood background corrected, RK and RJ* agreed with standard model .p209 [[ | SH0ES ]] Supernova H0 for the Equation of State [[ | SH0ES? ]] to measure [[,time%20(14.4%20billion%20years). | Hubble constant ]], crosscheck on Cepheid estimates .p217 [[ | ... every equation added to a popular science book halves its sales ]] .p221 [[ | Thomas Henderson 1833 ]] parallax .p221 [[ | Henrietta Swan Levitt ]] Cepheids .p223 [[ | Vesto Slipher ]] .p224 1931 Hubble and [[ | Milton L. Humason ]] measure redshifts of nebula .p225 [[ | Wendy Freedman ]] [[ | HST ]] [[ | Key Project ]] .p228 [[ | Adam Riess ]] 2011 Nobel [[ Space Telescope Science Institute | Space Telescope Science Institute ]] Hubble constant 73.8±2.4 .p231 ESA [[ | Planck spacecraft ]] Hubble constant 67.3±1.2 .p245 [[ | Jo Dunkley ]] . [[ | Hubble Tension ]] .p251 [[ | Alexandra Amon ]][[ | CFHTLenS ]] .p256 [[ | GRB 221009A ]] the BOAT, brightest of all time .p257 strange gamma ray burst, perhaps [[ | axions ]] .p260 [[ | Holmdel Horn Antenna ]] Penzias and Wilson 1965 [[ | ]] [[ | ]] [[ | ]] |
Space Oddities
The Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding of the Universe
Harry Cliff 2024 Beaverton Lib 523.1 CLI
No Index ... a reason to purchase better books instead
p05 H0LiCOW measuring universe rate of expansion Hubble's law
p12 Cosmic inflation
p17 Standard model
p19 Quantum fields
p20 "electron bar magnet .00115965218059" = 1-μB Electron magnetic moment
- "calculable to one part per trillion, best prediction anywhere in science"
p29 Urbain Le Verrier explained precession of Mercury with hypothetical planet Vulcan
p35 Einstein uses general relativity to calculate perihelion precession of Mercury, 43 seconds of arc per century
p40 Willis Lamb shift
- p48 ... it was the theoretical physicists, the overexcitable little dears ... jump on any bump ...
p50 many possible physics results, so gold standard for discovery is 5 sigma, 1 in 1.7 million
p53 DAMA/LIBRA dark matter detection
p60 ANITA Antarctic Impulse Transient Antenna
Radio antennas suspended below balloon at 37km altitude over McMurdo Station, Antarctica
p66 Linda Cremonesi Nine Lessons youtube interesting search mistake
p68 ANITA no neutrino detection, instead cosmic ray air showers, one UPWARDS
p71 Williams Field
p72 McMurdo Station
Anita II balloon sports stadium size
p79 hypothetical sterile neutrino beyond standard model
p81 Ice Cube neutrino detector
- p81 UK Daily Star tabloid "NASA Scientists Detect Parallel Universe 'Next to Ours' Where Time Runs Backwards"
- p82 Three glaring untruths in 12 words
- p85 theorist "interesting new ideas" dismissed by experimentalists as "ambulance chasing"
p86 ANITA successor Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations PUEO 10x more sensitive
p87 Chris Polly
p89 Muon g − 2 giant superconducting coil
p98 Feynman diagram
- p102 infinite complicated Feynman diagrams, simpler diagrams higher probability
- p103 "currently 13643 diagrams calculated, not including weak/strong/quark forces
- p104 uncertainty 1.3e-13
p105 Fermilab upward curving walls "cathedral" of science
p107 David Hertzog
p111 temperature fluctuations < 1℃
- p113 muon precession calculated from decay positron energies
p115 160kV kicker
p117 unblinding
- p119 measured discrepancy with standard model grew to 4.2 sigma, 1/40,000
p121 BMW Budapest Marseilles Wuppertal Collaboration muon g-2 experiment, next results 2025
p126 Christine Davies University of Glasgow
p128 >1e9 neutrinos per atom
- p130 Fermilab / Los Alamos "neutrinos where they have no right to be?
p132 1966? Davis/Bahcall neutrino detector
- p134 neutrinos turn chlorine into argon, 1/3 of expected detections
p137 neutrino -> electron moving faster than water speed of light, Cherenkov radiation
p140 Super-Kamiokande
p141 neutrino oscillation
p146 Los Alamos Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND)
p147 Sterile neutrino
p150 Bonnie Fleming at Yale liquid argon detector
p152 MicroBooNE
p157 dark photon
p158 Joachim Kopp
p160 Ferney-Voltaire
p164 Sophie Renner
p166 bottom / beauty / b quark picosecond lifetime
p169 W boson
- p173 violated by muon decay 75% of electron decay
- p175 2018 LHC 3 year shutdown, beams deflected into hundreds of tons of carbon
- "... as they reeled from a blow with the power of 500 million stampeding horses." What does that mean?
- est. energy 6.5e12 eV * 1.6e-19 J/eV * 1e11 protons/bunch * 4000 bunches * 2 (both directions) ≈ 800MJ
"500 million stampeding horses" -> 1.6J per stampeding horse
- "power of ... " the 27 km circumference has a "drain time" of 90 microseconds, hence 800MJ/9e-5s = 9e12W for 90us
5e8 "horsepower" * 736W/horsepower -> 3.7e11W = 4.1% of 9e12 Watts. If the drain time is 25 laps of the ring, then maybe
- p176-183 R RK experiments
p184 Gino Isidore theoretical physicist at University of Zurich
- statistics wander above/below 3 sigma "evidence" barrier, never higher
p189 [[ | Eluned Smith at MIT
- p200 more yes/no/yes/no ...
p202 2022/12/20 Renato Quagliani announces ... after misunderstood background corrected, RK and RJ* agreed with standard model
p209 SH0ES Supernova H0 for the Equation of State SH0ES? to measure Hubble constant, crosscheck on Cepheid estimates
p217 ... every equation added to a popular science book halves its sales
p221 Thomas Henderson 1833 parallax
p221 Henrietta Swan Levitt Cepheids
p223 Vesto Slipher
p224 1931 Hubble and Milton L. Humason measure redshifts of nebula
p225 Wendy Freedman HST Key Project
p228 Adam Riess 2011 Nobel Space Telescope Science Institute Hubble constant 73.8±2.4
p231 ESA Planck spacecraft Hubble constant 67.3±1.2
p245 Jo Dunkley
p256 GRB 221009A the BOAT, brightest of all time
p257 strange gamma ray burst, perhaps axions
p260 Holmdel Horn Antenna Penzias and Wilson 1965