Differences between revisions 146 and 154 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 146 as of 2025-01-25 03:18:05
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Revision 154 as of 2025-01-25 04:22:13
Size: 35013
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 .p329 welcomes atheist polemicist [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_A._Lindsay | James A. Lindsay ]] (I have "How to Have Impossible Conversations" ]]  .p329 welcomes atheist polemicist [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_A._Lindsay | James A. Lindsay ]] (I have [[ https://www.google.com/books/edition/How_to_Have_Impossible_Conversations/H62HDwAAQBAJ?hl=en | "How to Have Impossible Conversations" ]]
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 .p380 alleged abuse of student [[ https://julieroys.com/tag/jennifer-lyell/ | Jennifer Lyell ]] by professor [[ https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2023/05/15/david-sills-former-seminary-professor-named-guidepost-report-sues-sbc/ | David Sills ]]
 .p382 SBC Executive Committee loathed the [[ https://www.caringwell.com/ | Caring Well initiative ]]
 .p385 resurrected Jesus revealed himself to groups of women, deputizing them to preach to men
 .p386 [[ https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/12/us/southern-baptists-women-pastors-vote/index.html | 2024 June SBC ]] rejects ban on women pastors in constitution but retains men-only doctrinal statement, and expelled Alexandria Virginia church for choosing women, after expelling Rick Warren's Lake Forest (Orange County California) [[ https://welcome.saddleback.com/ | Saddleback Church ]] in February 2022
 .p387 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravi_Zacharias | Ravi Zacharias ]] [[ https://www.christianitytoday.com/2021/02/ravi-zacharias-rzim-investigation-sexual-abuse-sexting-rape/ | abuse and rape ]]
 .p389 "The human mind is not only, as Calvin has said, a permanent factory of idols ..." Paul Tillich, ''The Courage To Be'', p39
 .p390 "Because scandal is baked into the evangelical experience in ways that distort our standards of leadership."
 .p393 James McDonald March 2023 felonious battery and assault of 58yo woman in parking lot
 .p394 investigation of assault by youth pastor at Jackson Mississippi [[ https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2024/08/27/broadmoor-baptist-church-how-sexual-abuse-response-stands-apart-from-southern-baptist-convention/74696830007/ | Broadmoor Baptist Church ]]
  .Church investigated, lost members, but many more joined
 .p3 [[ | ]]
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The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism

Tim Alberta 2023 Beaverton Lib 270.82 ALB

TheKingdomPowerGlory (last edited 2025-01-25 06:48:55 by KeithLofstrom)