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Revision 53 as of 2025-01-22 09:28:30
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 .p137 [[ British evangelical | British evangelical ]] like [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wilberforce | William Wilberforce,]] not right wing U.S.  .p137 British evangelicals like [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wilberforce | William Wilberforce,]] not right wing U.S.
Line 82: Line 82:
 .p154 FloodGate par

 [[ | ]]

 .p1 [[ | ]]
 .p1 [[ | ]]
 .p1 [[ | ]]
 .p1 [[ | ]]
 .p154 !FloodGate parishioner as convinced that Trump won the 2020 election as he is that Jesus rose from the dead 2000 years ago.
 .p155 !FloodGate pastor Bolin didn't necessarily believe everything he said or posted.
  . circular foodchain of misinformation.
 .p156 [[ https://blog.emojipedia.org/why-is-there-a-pregnant-man-emoji/ | Pregnant Man Emoji ]]
 .p157 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Barton_(author) | David Barton ]]
 .p163 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Click | Gary Click ]]
 .p164 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad_Connelly | Chad Connelly ]]
 .p165 . [[ https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx#:~:text=Among%20millennials%2C%2012.4%25%20of%20women,identify%20as%20bisexual%20or%20gay. | claims three in ten Millennials identify as LGBTQ ]]
   Actually 9.8% though 22% for GenZ ... perhaps he added the fractions for the two different generations.
  . The numbers halve per generation - and perhaps they also diminish as individuals mature, stop screwing around, and raise families instead. Bisexuals are more than 57% of self-identified LGBTQ+ ... which means they are straight much of the time, and perhaps for most of their lives.
 .p166 "third of Millennials believe in God, 89% of parents did"
  .[[ https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2010/02/17/religion-among-the-millennials/ | the boomers and genXers were similar when they were young ]]
 .p168 Living Word Church Vandalia (north of Dayton Ohio)
 .p172 Barton "If you take the spotlight off Jesus and put it on anything else, you're gonna have division"
  .... then a man walks out of the sanctuary wearing red MAGA cap.
 .p173 parishioner Jim Wright bought Barton's ''The Founder's Bible'' because Biden bureaucrats will seize bibles
  . Wright told this by
https:Zerohedge.com, [[ TheNewAmerican.com ]]
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[[ | ]]<table class="center">

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism

Tim Alberta 2023 Beaverton Lib 270.82 ALB

  • p001 Prologue: interviews for "...the book ...", probably American Carnage (2019)

  • p005 1977 New York financier atheist father Richard J. Alberta becomes christian minister in Michigan, dies 2019 age 71 in 2019

  • p007 At funeral, parishioners react angrily to son Tim's prior book dissing Limbaugh and Trump
  • p011 [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_W._Bebbington | Bebbington quadrilateral ]]

  • p013 The crisis of American evangelicalism comes down to an obsession with that worldly identity.
  • p018 new pastor Chris Wynans was not a conservative Republican.

  • p023 conservatives focus on Old Testament language, not New
  • p024 Evangelicals embrace Trump
  • p025 Trump "golden" escalator

  • p025 Johnson Amendment prohibits nonprofits from endorsing or opposing political candidates, Trump halted enforcement

  • p28 "The problem is, blessings often become indistinguishable from entitlements."
  • p35 John Torres at Goodwill Evangelical Presbyterian Church (Port Jervis?) New York

  • p38 parishioners hated Obama, then hated those hated by Trump
  • p40 parishioners furious at COVID restrictions, deranged by conspiracy nonsense
  • p41 Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi Beaverton 305.8 KEN

  • p41 Critical Race Theory accusations, some from friends

  • p43 4 month sabbatical, returned to smaller but supportive congregation. 5% crazy
  • p46 By setting their minds on the things of man, Christians are telling Jesus to get behind them.

  • p48 "... you've baptized your worldview and called it Christian."
  • p49 "The enemies aren't those outside of the Church; it's people in your church who don't think exactly the way you do."
  • p52 Doug Olson father of Nick Olson Liberty University

  • p54 Jerry Falwell "fascinated by the market dynamics"

  • p55 Falwell Sunday sermons on WLVA TV in 1956

  • p56 1958 preaches against integration, aligned with Joe McCarthy who died in 1957?

  • p58 evangelicals

  • p59 Scopes trial

  • p64 Howard Phillips Paul Weyrich 1973 founded Heritage Foundation

  • p65 Moral Majority

  • p66 Before 1973 Roe v. Wade, abortion was a "Catholic issue".

  • p66 1973 W. A. Criswell "I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed."

  • p74 Mark DeMoss worked for Liberty U., left after endorsement of Trump

  • p74 Jerry Falwell Jr. makes Liberty University profitable

  • p75 Supports Trump, Israel, and misinformation about COVID and Obama's birth
  • p80 Falwell Jr. poses in front of Trump Playboy cover, many scandals, but Liberty U. is wealthy

  • p84 discouraged rape reports, violated Title IX law and the Clery Act

  • p85 English prof Nick Olson worries

  • p89 Russell D. Moore 2021 former Southern Baptist

  • p90 parishioners slander non-conservative non-racist pastors, demand politics, not scripture
  • p96 Pew 1991, 90% idemtified as Christians, 5% religiously unaffiliated
    • 30 years later, 63% Christians, 29% unaffiliated ... idolatry of politics and country
  • p98 after 2016 nomination, Trump attacks Moore
  • p99-100, hundreds of large churches cut off funds to SBC
  • p100 God called Moore to confront sexual abuse and pro-Confederate nationalism
  • p103 Galatians 3

  • p104 Jason Dees Christ Covenant in Atlanta, Ga

  • p106 Robert Jeffress Trump loyalist

  • p111 Demands Heather has Two Mommies and Daddy's Roommate removed from the Wichita Falls TX public library

  • p114 defends trump support on NPR 2016 Oct 16

  • p115 In 2011, only 30% of evangelicals said immoral politicians perform public duties with integrity. In 2016, 72% said so.

  • p116 Campus of First Baptist Church Dallas $135M expansion, plus $250M renovations

  • p118 Babylon Bee Christian conservative version of The Onion

  • p119 'shrine' to Trump in Jeffress office
  • p121 "the government is coming after us ... I believe they are."
  • p124 Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran fired for anti-gay book

  • p128 Australian theologian John Dickson. Bullies are common, saints are not. book: Bullies and Saints

  • p131 Laurel Bunker

  • p132 (some?) Christians act worse ("lashing out") than the rest of the world because of a victimhood complex

  • p134 Ed Stetzer

  • p135 Jesus criticised his "twelve weirdos" ... discipling ... absent from US evangelicals
  • p135 Vincent Bacote

  • p137 British evangelicals like William Wilberforce, not right wing U.S.

  • p138 US evangelical now a proxy for cultural belonging, Australian and British conservatives support publically funded hospitals
  • p140 Chinese pastors cheerful, "if I go to prison ... more people to preach the gospel to."
  • p142 Bill Bolin FloodGate Church Tim Alberta 2023 essay (not a book excerpt)

  • p149 "Trump born again ... influence of Mike Pence" Author asked "did it bother him that Trump did nothing to help the man who helped bring him to Christ when that man's life was endangered on January 6?" "Yes ... don't quote me on that" "what is wrong is actually right."
  • p151 illegal immigrants "... are carrying all kinds of diseases ... "
    • Only those returning from the US:
      • COVID Rates


















  • p153 "pick a tribe, raise the flag ... gain numbers ... easy to do ... cheapens the gospel."
  • p154 "... the kingdom of God isn't at stake. What Christ accomplished on the cross is not threatened by Donald Trump losing an election"
  • p154 FloodGate parishioner as convinced that Trump won the 2020 election as he is that Jesus rose from the dead 2000 years ago.

  • p155 FloodGate pastor Bolin didn't necessarily believe everything he said or posted.

    • circular foodchain of misinformation.
  • p156 Pregnant Man Emoji

  • p157 David Barton

  • p163 Gary Click

  • p164 Chad Connelly

  • p165 . claims three in ten Millennials identify as LGBTQ

    • Actually 9.8% though 22% for GenZ ... perhaps he added the fractions for the two different generations.
    • The numbers halve per generation - and perhaps they also diminish as individuals mature, stop screwing around, and raise families instead. Bisexuals are more than 57% of self-identified LGBTQ+ ... which means they are straight much of the time, and perhaps for most of their lives.
  • p166 "third of Millennials believe in God, 89% of parents did"
  • p168 Living Word Church Vandalia (north of Dayton Ohio)
  • p172 Barton "If you take the spotlight off Jesus and put it on anything else, you're gonna have division"
    • ... then a man walks out of the sanctuary wearing red MAGA cap.
  • p173 parishioner Jim Wright bought Barton's The Founder's Bible because Biden bureaucrats will seize bibles

    • Wright told this by

https:Zerohedge.com, TheNewAmerican.com

  • p201 Blinded by Might Cal Thomas and Ed Ed Dobson, 1998, Zonderman (own)

TheKingdomPowerGlory (last edited 2025-01-25 06:48:55 by KeithLofstrom)