Differences between revisions 80 and 85 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 80 as of 2025-01-23 02:16:54
Size: 17622
Revision 85 as of 2025-01-23 09:07:25
Size: 18189
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 .p074 [[ https://www.brnow.org/news/More-details-emerge-in-Liberty-DeMoss-split/ | Mark DeMoss ]] worked for Liberty U., left after endorsement of Trump  .p074 [[ https://bellarmine.lmu.edu/theologicalstudies/graduateprograms/faculty/?expert=cyril.hovorunps://www.brnow.org/news/More-details-emerge-in-Liberty-DeMoss-split/ | Mark DeMoss ]] worked for Liberty U., left after endorsement of Trump
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 .p104 [[ https:EditInfoUnsubscribeAdd LinkAttachments 
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//erlc.com/profile/jason-dees/| Jason Dees ]] [[ https://christcovenant.com/ | Christ Covenant in Atlanta, Ga ]]
 .p104 [[ https://erlc.com/profile/jason-dees/| Jason Dees ]] [[ https://christcovenant.com/ | Christ Covenant in Atlanta, Ga ]]
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 .p177 clear cut EditInfoUnsubscribeAdd LinkAttachments 
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biblical issues (the poor, refugees, wealth temptation) did not animate the conservative base
 .p177 clear cut biblical issues (the poor, refugees, wealth temptation) did not animate the conservative base
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 .p236 Russian butchery in Ukraine impossible without Church blessing.
 .p236 Relgious/Ethic war in Yugoslavia fomented by Milosovic
 .p236 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miroslav_Volf | Miroslav Volf ]]
 .p240 Christian nationalism now the predominant form of evangelical Christianity
 .p241 Political religion not optional: Hitlerism, communism, Putinism ... Trumpism not yet, but possible
 .p242 Christ greatly concerned with the poor, avoided fame, demanded love of enemies; evangelicals opposite
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 .p2 [[ | ]]
 .p2 [[ | ]]
 .p2 [[ | ]]
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The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism

Tim Alberta 2023 Beaverton Lib 270.82 ALB

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/!\ Edit conflict - your version:

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TheKingdomPowerGlory (last edited 2025-01-25 06:48:55 by KeithLofstrom)