The Journal of Best Practices
A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man's Quest to Be a Better Husband
David Finch 2012, Beaverton Murray Scholls 515.8588 FIN
Aspie David marries beautiful Kristen. 5 years and 2 kids later, they learn he has Asperger syndrome, and they work to retrain him rather than separate. A notebook and drawer full of insights and retraining goals becomes the book.
Fairly lighthearted; surprising for an Aspie, but not for a brilliant goal-driven aspie.
- p007 Aspie test, 155 points out of 200.
Amusing vignettes like telling a widow something completely irrelevant rather than comforting.
Practicing and pretending to be neurotypical to succeed at work.
Very time consuming rituals; one hour morning showers.