Lies, Damned Lies, and Science
Sherry Seethaler, Central 500 s453L 2009
Engaging book - I already know most of this stuff, but I will recommend it to others who do not.
Probable illustration errors on page 78:
- first, stacking two different illustrations atop each other. Combining them or spacing them a paragraph apart would help me distinguish them. There is enough room to rearrange the text.
- second, figure 5.3 is drawn wrong. I would replace box text "Group 1" with "Placebo group", and box text "Group 2" with "Real drug group" then ditch the confusing horizontal lines. The diagram could be shorter vertically, making it easier to fit separately next to closely related text.
.p172 no longer exists, sigh.
.p172 British organization Sense About Science does exist, hooray!
.p172 Improving Medical Statistics also exists!
.p177 Conclusion: twenty essential applications of the tools. nice summary