The Making Of Biblical Womanhood
How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth
Beth Allison Barr 2021, Beaverton Lib., 220.8305 BAR
- notes but no index
ESV = 2001 English Standard Version of the bible
- Baylor University, associate professor of history, associate dean of the graduate school
- PhD, Medieval History 2004, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill . . .
p001 grew up Southern Baptist in small-town Texas, James Dobson Love for a Lifetime
- p002 2016 Husband Jeb Barr fired as youth pastor after 20 years of service
- p003 challenging church leadership about women in ministry
In 2023, a pastor at Elm Mott Baptist Church north of Waco.
p004 complementarian churches
- falsely reinterpret trinity as hierarchical to justify hierarchical subjugation of women
- p016-7 Some male Baylor students expect Dr. Barr to submit academically to her husband
p017 Russell Moore: pagam patriarchy, women submit to all men; Christian patriarchy, women submit to their husbands.
p023 Epic of Gilgamesh supports "undeniable historical reality" that men lead and women are homemakers
p024 women 94% of victims in Texas domestic partner murder-suicides cite
- p025 "What if patriarchy isn't divinely ordained but is a result of human sin?"
p027 Paige Patterson led SBC to rewrite faith statement emphasizing women's secondary creation and submission to husbands. Dorothy Patterson "led the charge"
- p029 Genesis 3:16 Patriarchy wasn't what God wanted, it was the result of human sin.
p030 Katherine Bushnell about Genesis, Eve's rebellion was submitting to Adam in place of God
p033 Clarice Martin, patriarchy extends to racial subjugation
- p035 Acts 9:36 "a certain disciple named Tabitha", the Greek implies one of many female disciples
- p036 Galatians 3:28 "... there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus"
- p042 evangelicals parse the lines of Paul's letters for narrow ethical guidelines, missing Paul's bigger purpose: one in Christ. Instead we keep building our own tower of hierarchy and power.
- p043 John Mirk ca. 1400AD West England, sermon collection Festial
- p044 Wedding ring isn't symbol of wife as husband's property, but reminder to put God first
- p045 John Paul II: justifying female subordination with Ephesians 5 is equivalent to justifying slavery
- p045 how Christians live differently within their Roman context, resistance given the reality of Roman patriarchy
p047 Rachel Held Evans: Jesus remix of Roman patriarchy
- p047 Shi-Min Lu: Household code sets believers apart, freeing all members of household from Roman oppressive elements.
- p048 Unlike Aristotle, who tells men to rule
p049 Collossians 3, Paul calls to wives first
- p050 Ephesians 5 verse 21, "be subject to one another out of reverence to Christ"
- p055 leaders of her church made it clear that women could not teach men, period, beginning at age 13
p061 Paul describes Corinthian practices, then in 1 Corinthians 36 responds "What! Did the word of God originate with you or are you the only ones it has reached?"
- p064 Romans 16 recognizes 10 women, 7 for their ministry, Phoebe as a deacon
- p066 Junia translated as female until the 20th century, then suddenly male "Junias"
p069 original Junia prominent among the apostles ESV: Junia well known to the apostles
p072-.. Margery Kempe Margaret of Antioch
- p087 "In a world that didn't accept the word of a woman as a valid witness, Jesus chose women as witnesses for his resurrection."
p087 NT scholar Ben Witherington: "No, the problem in the chiurch is not strong women, but weak men who feel threatened by strong women ..."
Jennifer D. Thibodeaux (2015). The Manly Priest: Clerical Celibacy, Masculinity, and Reform in England and Normandy
p094 7th century Saint Cuthbert redefined as misogynist after 10th century
Dr. Barr suggests the church's growing wealth and power attracted men, reducing the power of women
p097 Christian History Made Easy The Story of Christianity demote women preachers to teachers
p103 The Holy Household: Women and Morals in Reformation Augsburg by Lyndal Roper Reformation driven by politics and profits
p105 Barr husband working for MDiv at Baptist-founded Wake Forest University
- p107 teaching presentation for Wake Forest tenure track position focused on women's losses from Reformation -- fail
- p109 After Martin Luther died, wife Katie struggled financially because "women's work" was circumscribed
- p111 1600s, women's status shifted towards "wife" from work
p112 Andrea Turpin "singleness microaggressions"
p114 Fundamentalism and Gender Bendroth 1993
p115 Argula von Grumbach 1520s Protestant
p116 Anne Askew burned at the stake for heresy
- p117 Reformation theology replaced the priest with the husband
- p119 ... woman saved through childbearing as an exemplar of the sanctification process for all Christians ...
p121 1690 Isaac Marlow argued that singing was unbiblical because if the entire congregation sang, women would sing too.
- p127 Instead of Scripture transforming society, society transformed how early modern Christians interpreted the Bible
p134 1382-95 Wycliffe's Bible 1525 Tyndale N.T., 1535 Coverdale Bible,
- p138 "Evangelicals should know that medieval people knew scripture at least as well, if not better, than we do today."
p138 "long tradition of lay access to biblical texts" An Introduction to the Medieval Bible, Frans van Liere
- p143 Medieval clergy use gender-inclusive language to better care for their parishioners
p145 King James irritated with (seditious) Geneva Bible, commissioned KJV
- p146 false universal language (female subsumed into male)
p147 1 Timothy 3:1-13 Greek text uses whoever and anyone, modern English Bibles introduce eight to ten male pronouns not in the Greek text
p149 Tadmor: The Social Universe of the English Bible 2010 Mult Co Lib
- "the polygamous social universe of the Hebrew Bible was rendered in terms of a monogamous English marital discourse"
p152 "... modern biblical womanhood for Protestant women owes much more to developments after the sixteenth century ..."
- p154-5 took 9 girls and boys to southern youth camp, upbrided because girl's bra straps showed
- p155 fixation on female purity, cult of domesticity
- p157 Jesus chastised disciples missing the point, while recognizing the strong faith of women ... Jesus has always set women free
- p159 Paul says nothing about cooking or cleaning as having unique import for women
p162 French & Poska Women and Gender in the Western Past, complementarity
- p164 James Mitchell 1833: women should be paid less to discourage them from working outside the home, where they belonged
p166 sanctifed in Love of a Lifetime by James Dobson
p167 Blessed : a history of the American prosperity gospel Kate Bowler 2013
p168 The Preacher's Wife: The Precarious Power of Evangelical Women Celebrities
- p174 First Baptist Church Elm Mott near Waco, Mrs. Lewis Ball as revival preacher in 1934, 1935, and 1938
- p175 1963 SBC ordained Addie Davis, in 1974 affirmed women's role in ministry.
p175 Christian freedom for women and other human beings Hollis et al 1975
p175 Evangelicalism’s Strong History of Women in Ministry Timothy Larsen 2017
p179 Daughters of thunder : Black women preachers and their sermons, 1850-1979 Bettye Collier-Thomas
p185 Women and religion in early America, 1600-1850 Marilyn J Westerkamp, 1999
p186 Are women human? Dorothy Sayers 1971
p191 Arianism: preacher stating that Jesus is eternally subordinate to God the Father, contra Athanasius
p179 Daughters of thunder : Black women preachers and their sermons, 1850-1979 Bettye Collier-Thomas
p185 Women and religion in early America, 1600-1850 Marilyn J Westerkamp, 1999
p186 Are women human? Dorothy Sayers 1971
p191 Arianism: preacher stating that Jesus is eternally subordinate to God the Father
p194 The New Evangelical Subordinationism: Reading Inequality into the Trinity Phillip Cary 2012
- p194 325AD Council of Nicaea. The Trinity is Three in One, not One followed by Two and Three
p195 The Trinity and Subordinationism Kevin Giles 2002
- p195 Instead of striving to become more like God, these evangelicals fought to make God look more like us.
p196 The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God: The Arian Controversy 318-381 R. P. C. Hanson 2005
p197 Nice girls don't change the world Lynne Hybels 2005
- p199 Gospel Coalition, biblical womanhood in statement of faith.
- p200 No wonder we were fired. We were dangerous to the gospel of Christ.
p201 Bill Gothard Institute in Basic Life Principles
- p202 abusive boyfriend
- p203 Rachel Denhollander 2019 Southern Baptist Convention, "... not one [sermon] on the issue of sexual assault."
- p204 boyfriend never called, stayed gone, "to this day I don't know why" ... frames how Dr. Barr thinks about complementarianism
p206 ... Stop It!
Bob Newhart "Dr. Switzer" skit
p206 Jesus and John Wayne Kristen Kobes Du Mez
- p208 "There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus" Galatians 3:28
- p209 Dorothy Sayers would not help C.S. Lewis oppose women's ordination in the Church of England
A Sword Between the Sexes: C. S. Lewis and the Gender Debates Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen 2010
p211 The book of the city of ladies Christine de Pisan, ca. 1364-ca. 1431
p213 Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity Kienzle and Walker
- p218 Jesus set women free a long time ago. Isn't it time for evangelical Christians to do the same? Go, be free!